Chapter 5

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"Renown-san! We have an emergency!"


"The tea leaf is now in low supply!"

"Oh no."

[Redacted] 3 years ago

"Fufufu, your attack is nothing to me, mongrel!"

"Cih, Helena is the [Redacted] ready yet?!"

"Yes, it's ready!"

"Okay then, Fire!"


The Empress still remembers when she was almost killed by a strange weapon. She had PTSD after that attack. When she saw META, she usually prefer to avoid them and let Enforcer-class or another Arbiter-class deal with them. And now she just has another PTSD by natural summoning kansens. Even if the 'Tester' just look at them as a new source of data, she knew how dangerous they are. Even some natural summoning kansens are capable kill Arbiter-class with ease. But she has no choice but tries to defeat them, because of Observer Zero. She knew Observer Zero have a direct connection with Creator and Magister. Some rumors say both Creator and Magister have already died long ago, but if those rumors are true, she doesn't know what Observer Zero will do to her. After all, Empress is just a figure to control the entire siren race.

Another Dimension

Two META shipgirls discussing what they do next because no more tea leaves and there is no way they can get another tea supply because of the attack 3 years ago

"Yes, it's ready"


The very same weapon that they believe will kill Empress transported them both to another dimension. They tried to go back to the dimension they came from and contact another fellow META shipgirls, but it seems they will be stuck in this dimension forever. Until a shipgirl just accidentally warped here.

Pearl Harbour - Before warp


Right now Andromeda doing a demo to show her power. Even dummies 20 km away are destroyed by 406 mm shells. Hundreds of aircraft can't even approach her. Even bombs that just launched from aircraft are intercepted.

"Trully killer of carrier."

"Now I am afraid of what weapons humanity has from Andromeda's previous world."

"A continent destroyer maybe?"

Other shipgirls just watched near the demo area are amazed by Andromeda's power

5 minutes after the demo

A long white hair shipgirl approach Andromeda

'A carrier, what she wants from me, maybe-'

"Andromeda, can you teach me to become stronger?"

"Before asking something, please tell me your name first."

"Sorry about that, my name is Enterprise, Yorktown-class."

'The legendary Grey Ghost, asking a battleship to become stronger? If Apollo-chan or Antares-chan maybe can do something.'

"Sorry, but I am a battle-"

"Then teach me about CQC!"

Ohno now the Grey Ghost looks at me with puppy eyes.

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