Chapter 15

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Yokosuka Naval Base - Port

Nagato is waiting for the Azur Lane diplomat there for an hour after Kongou sends a transmission about it. With Akagi and her pet, Nemu.

"And we now can find the answer of true bitch who attacked us."

"Akagi, watch your language!"

"Sorry, but I'm still mad about the attack."

"Of course, also there is a natural summoning escorting them so I will trust you guide a tour to her. If you need help you can ask Mikasa."

"Thanks, Nagato-sama."

"Hey look! I can see a ship, a battleship, with a unique superstructure. I hope I can make her ship miniature!"

"Mikasa-san, you are really a warship fan, even you want to make everyone's model ship."

"Welcome Azur Lane, I am Nagato, the leader of the Sakura Empire."

"Thanks for welcoming us, Nagato-sama, I am Vanguard, Vanguard-class battleship, the leader of the diplomat mission."

"I am Indomitable, Illustrious-class aircraft carrier."

"I am Revenge, Revenge-class battleship."

"I am Bellona, Dido-class light cruiser."

"I am Jervis, J-class destroyer."

"I am Janus, J-class destroyer."

"I am Andromeda, Andromeda-class battleship."

"Oh, so you are the natural summoning? I want to talk with you, but let us do it later, Akagi and Mikasa, guide them to their room."

Repulse META and Renown META stay in a camp in the Kure with 1 week's worth of food supply because they both are not on the diplomat team.

After being guided to the guest dorm by Akagi and Mikasa

"This is your room, Andromeda, also here is your key."

"Thank you, miss..."

"Mikasa. See you tomorrow."

"Good old Japanese style room, an interesting and comfortable room."

Pearl Harbour - Meeting Room

"So, your proposal here to make Andromeda lead a new faction, right Queen Elizabeth?"

"Yes, she can become a leader, and she already qualified everything to become a leader of a faction, and what she needs is a faction to lead."

"But, giving her position as leader of us is not wise, so Your Majesty wants to let her use the inhabitable area in the far east archipelago."

"New Zealand? I have no objection since we have nothing there even before the first siren-human war."

"I have no objection."

"I have no objection."

"Objection! You sure she won't betray us just like when the Crimson Axis was created?"

"She won't, Belfast has already infiltrated her ship and there is no technology connected with sirens."

"Okay then, I have no objection."

"Let's move to the second proposal, I want to lift the anti-siren technology usage."

"What?! Why are you want to lift it?!"

Andromeda in Azur Lane worldWhere stories live. Discover now