Chapter 9

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Pearl Harbour

Right now Andromeda is training Enterprise that rowing a small wooden boat.

"One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three." Andromeda is using a speaker.

"Is that essential training, Andromeda-sama?" Ask a maid.

"Well, back in my world before you are ready to launch you must row a boat for 12 full hours in the middle of the ocean, Belfast. Also, there are other things, but I have already picked everything for Enterprise training. She must have strength for CQC training. Do you want to join too?"

"Thanks for the invitation, but no."

"Well then. Enterprise, row the boat for an hour!"

'Why...' Enterprise asks in her thought.

(One hour later)

"Why I must row a small boat, why not straight to CQC training?!"

"Because you are an archer, and do you have experience using a combat knife?"

"Urgh... no."

"You're a long-range warship, and sometimes when the enemy is too close, you can use the knife to stab and kill them. Just using a bow for combat is stupid."

The last sentence from Andromeda struck Enterprise really hard.

"Bu- but, my arrow is strong, and I can prove it by my experience!"

"And now you will have a new experience, and use it at combat at full efficiency."

"Okay, Andromeda-san."

"Call me sensei now."

"Urgh... okay, sensei."

"Good, go to the canteen and drink some water, meet me again tomorrow."

Queen Elizabeth and Warspite watch them both from far.

"A new type of training, and we can make it a contest too, Andromeda-san, you are really interesting."

"Call Sheffield and Edinburgh, Warspite, I want to give them a new mission."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Pearl Harbour HQ

Wales, Illustrious, and London do a small meeting

"We detected a META transmission from Southeast and East from here, if there is a  META, there must be a huge siren fleet near them. I expect something happened to Sakura Empire after siren pawns attacked us."

"Maybe they are fooled by sirens that are disguised as one of us."

"If they are fooled, I expect they will going to attack us because just siren pawns declared war on our name."

"Is there any negotiation room?"

"Very high possibility siren disguising as Eagle Union member. Maybe if our faction is the one negotiating we can end the misunderstanding."

"Very well, I'll ask Her Majesty then."

Kiwi Spaceport - 18.00

Andromeda sneaks again to her base in New Zealand, but this time Belfast is aware she is going to port.

Andromeda quickly warps to the south to escape from Belfast's watch.

"Wait a minute, is she already back in her dorm? Maybe I need to ask her about that tomorrow."

Andromeda look at her tab.

'One modified Andromeda-class is ready to launch.'

'Hold it, I'll modify her to become a new subclass'


"Hello, Andromeda, can I ask why you building your new sister?" ask Repulse META

"Well, I still researching a new engine so I want to complete the hull first and then modify the ship. For kansenizing maybe in the future as I want to manually control her."

"New engine? Can you  tell me what is that?"


"Okay then, keep your secret."

Andromeda open her tablet again and look at the research tab

List to research :

- Aviation Craft

Cosmo Tiger I Tactical Attack Aircraft

Cosmo Tiger II Space Combat Aircraft

Cosmo Wyvern Torpedo Bomber

Cosmo Phyton

Cosmo Hound (GeshVar engine required)

- BB gun

Twin 51 cm positron shock cannon

- Torpedo

Type 20 Dimensional Submarine Long Range Torpedo

Type 33 Dimensional Submarine Fast Torpedo

Do you want to research all of this?

Yes / No

Andromeda select [Yes]

All research will be completed after [46:30:00]

"Almost 2 days, not really long for this amount of research."

Repulse META and Renown META look at the sea and remember their days in the Royal Navy back in their universe. Andromeda approaches them both and asked.

"Repulse-san, Renown-san so do you want to go back to Royal Navy?"

"Well yes, but can we have some tea leaves?"

"Here, also some cookies for your journey."

"Looks good, thanks Andromeda-san."

"So when you two will depart?"

"Tomorrow, 6 o'clock. Also once again thank you."

"You're welcome, anyway I must back to Pearl Harbour, see you two later."

[To be continued]

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