Chapter 13

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Pearl Harbour - A day after the duel

Andromeda remembered her conversation with her fleet last night

"So you will depart tomorrow morning, Captain?"

"Yes, and Wales will take over the fleet in my absence."

"I pray for your voyage, Captain."

"Thank you, Helena."

"We are ready, Andromeda!"


Andromeda depart with another 6 ships from Pearl Harbour to Sakura Empire

Daily Entry - Vanguard

Day - 0 - Before depart

We port in Pearl Harbour just for a day, we do some resupply and repair. When the others are finished they go to their room in HQ as our mission is in state secret. But when I heard there is a duel between Warspite, one of the strongest knights, and Andromeda, a natural summoning that has unbelievable power, I become interested. And it looks like Andromeda defeats Warspite, which is mean she has the power for escorting us. Now I have confidence that Andromeda can beat everyone even Ashes.

Day - 1 - Depart

We are really surprised looking at her full-form ship, her tall, unique bridge looks like telling us 'I am the strongest here'. Anyway, her food is really good and tasty, unlike the food from our land which is a shit. There is some siren, when we let Andromeda deal with the enemy fleet she just launches many missiles, and the enemy is dead, literally. I hope she like some weeb stuff.

Day - 2

No siren was detected, it's surprising and pretty scary. Who knows if they will attack us in a single, big group. But I stop thinking about that, until we all teleported somewhere by an unknown thing, and 2 unknown girls show up, wait, are they the META version of Repulse and Renown? And they look like know Andromeda too.

"Andromeda-san! So you're teleported here, with your fleet?"

"Yes, and this is make me worry."

"About what?"

"Before I met you two, I have met with another META, and she want to forcefully METAmophorsis me."

"Wait a minute, I don't recall any META shipgirl that doing METAmophorsis forcefully."

"Maybe because you all haven't met any other META for a long time, 3 years probably enough for someone changing her personality, or habit."

"Anyway, can you do a warp to Earth now?"

"Not right now, because this is a dimension I haven't seen before, need more research before warp back to Earth."

"Excuse me for interrupting your conversation, how do you three know each other?" asked Jervis.

"Secret" Andromeda, Repulse META, and Renown META saying at the same time.

"We will report this to Her Majesty, Andromeda!" said Bellona.

"Do it, because I was planning to give they both to Royal Navy."

Then some siren fleets appeared.

"Talk about this later, we have been spotted by sirens."

Indomitable launching her torpedo bombers, Bellona and Revenge charged to some sirens, Vanguard using her main gun from far, Jervis and Janus just watching because they are medics. Also both META and Andromeda use their main gun close to sirens for an instant kill. After killing sirens for an hour, they went to the north.

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