First Date (AU)

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Clara's eyes roamed the contents of her closet. Never anything to wear... And it was her first date with a guy she actually liked.

She stared a little longer, then decided on a pinkish-reddish dress with a black collar (think Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS). Simple but cute.

Then Clara sat in front of her vanity and combed her hair, curled it, and arranges it around her shoulders. Her hand trembled as she raises it to apply eyeliner. She steadied it and quickly put on the rest of her makeup.

She slipped on four inch stilettos and walked out of her room and down the stairs, her pink cheeks flushed with the prospect of going out with her crush.

Her dad stopped her as she was grabbing her gold purse and her car keys. "A little fancy for Amy'S party, no?" he asked, his eyebrows raised suspiciously.

She blushed even more. "I- Amy said to dress up a bit." she lied through her teeth.

His eyebrows travelled so high they disappeared under his hair. "Okay..." He kisses her forehead. "Have fun, Clara. Be back by one!"

She nodded. "Bye dad! Love you!" She locked the door behind her and quickly got into her car, revving the engines and shooting off.

As Clara slipped her car bewteen two others in a parking spot, she let out a high pitched giggle of excitement before quickly suppressing it, hoping she looked casual as she stepped out of the car.

And there he was- Matt, grinning slyly, leaning against the hood of her white car. "Hi."

Clara tried to be as cool as possible. "Hey Matt."

He suddenly pulled her into a tight hug, and she breathed in the scent of his intoxicating cologne. He kissed the top of her head softly. "What's up Clara?" he asked as he pulled away and they began walking toward the fancy restaurant.

Clara slipped her hand into his larger one, relishing in the warmth of his grip. "Not much, since our first year of college is done. How about you?"

He shrugged. "Not much either. Except you."

She gave him an inquisitive look.

"Can't keep you off my mind, girl."

Clara glanced down, her cheeks warming.

Matt laughed at her as they were seated. "By the way, did I mention you look gorgeous tonight?"

Clara giggled. "Aw Matt." she twisted one of her rings around and around her finger.

Matt took her hand in his over the table. "What time did you promise your dad you'd be back?"

"One. He think I'm at Amy's party. She's covering for me."

"Oh...... You didn't tell your dad about us?" Matt looked slightly hurt.

Clara smiled kindly. "It's just that he's so protective of me, doesn't approve of me having a boyfriend, and since mum—"She hiccuped, "— died, I don't have a girl to confide in."

He nodded understandingly. "I see."

*11 pm*

They dropped Clara's car off at her house, and then Matt drove them around a while, stopping at the top of a lonely hill.

He pulled a blanket out of the car and laid it down on the ground, patting the blanket. Clara lay down next to him, interlocking their fingers.

Matt used his free hand to point low in the west. "That's the Pleiades star cluster. And over there-" he pointed above them," - the Beehive Cluster."

"It's so pretty..." Clara sighed. "How do you know about all this?"

"I'm majoring in astronomy, Clara." He reminded her gently.

"Oh right! Sorry, it totally slipped my mind."

They lay together in silence for a while, simply enjoying each others company.

*12:30 am*

Matt dropped her off at the front door. "Good night Clara."

She smiled. "Night. Thanks for... Everything."

He smiled back. "Anything for you."

She blushed, and he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

After a minute, they broke apart.

"Good night." Clara unlocked the door and opened it halfway, her hand on the doorknob.

Matt nodded. "I love you."

"Love you, too." Clara slipped silently into the house.

But her father was waiting on the stairs, his arms folded across his chest. "Clara. You lied."

She froze. "I—"

His face was hurt. "Clara, please... don't lie."

Clara exploded. "You're always so protective of me! How am I supposed to go on a date if you stop me from leaving the house with a guy!? Dad, I'm 19 and quite independent! Let me live my life!"

He looked down. "All I want to do is keep you safe Clara. I've already lost one woman. I can't lose anther."

Clara calmed down. "Oh dad... You'll never lose me! I love you! I just... Please. Let me have Matt. He's perfect. In every way. For me."


Over 400 reads so I decided to reward you guys with a longer chapter! Hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for being awesome!

-Rina <3

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