I Need Your Love

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Fingers running through my hair, hand on my waist, soft lips on mine... Wasn't that all I wanted? More than anything else? Just someone to love who loved me in return.

For all I care, it could be anyone- a pilot, a butcher, even... Heck, I think I could deal with a girl.

But that's not true. No one is right for me. No one, except my Doctor.

He's always been there for me, in good times or bad. However hard I fell, he'd be there by my side to pick me up. Always. Every second of every day, he's been by me, never abandoning me. He was always ready to protect me, and guard me with his life.

But how could an alien Time Lord ever love such an idiot like me? Such a short, stupid, fake girl with plain brown hair and plain brown eyes... Plain everything, really. I've never held an attraction for men- at least, not one has asked me out.

Has Cupid singled me out as the stupid girl in the corner of your classroom who ends up living in a shack smelling of cats? I think so.

I hope that one day, the Doctor realizes that I love him.

And maybe, just maybe, he'll love me, too.

Hahha, Clara. Give yourself the false hope if you want. It's already hopeless. You'll never get a tall, handsome man like the Doctor. He's too smart and knowledgeable for you.

I really just wish he figured it out...

I love my Doctor.

A soft breath on the back of my neck makes me leap away from my desk, slamming my diary shut and fumbling to find the key that locks it.

And who else would it be, but the Doctor.

"Don't DO that!" I screech, righting my chair, which had fallen over from my sudden spasm of movement.

His eyes laugh at me. "Oh, Clara... Were you... Scared?"

I try to maintain eye contact so he doesn't realize what I've been writing. "Of what?" I ask, forcing myself to laugh along with him.

He stops laughing, and his expression gets serious. "Of me?"

I shake my head, forcing even more choked laughter from me. "Why would I be scared of you? You're my best friend!"

His eyes seem to get slightly heavier with sadness from my words. "J-j-just a... A-a friend?"

I smile. "Best friend," I say, emphasizing the first word.

His face falls. "So I'm not... I'm not too important to you?"

I take his larger hand in mine. "You're important to me, Doctor. You mean a lot." I search his closed expression. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

The Doctor's eyes roam my face hungrily. "Can I be openly honest with you? Without you laughing at me?"

I squeeze his hand lightly. "I would never laugh at you." My Doctor, echoes in my head, and I shove it away.

"Truly?" he asks, a pained expression crossing his face.

I take his other in hand in my other. "Truly."

He sucks in a deep breath and then slowly exhales it, trying to gather his courage for I-dunno-what.

"Clara Oswald..." His green eyes move around my face, taking everything in, before settling on my brown eyes.

"I love you."

The words startle me, and my hands involuntarily jerk in his.

He immediately turns bright red. "Sorry, I shouldn't have tried this-"

"No, go on," I beg.

He raises one virtually non-existent eyebrow, but continues. "I love you. Ever since you first appeared to me in that dalek Asylum where you died, then again in Victorian London where you died again, then I saw you again- here, in real life."

My breath is coming out in sporadic bursts, my heart is pounding in my chest, probably about to explode out of my chest. But obviously, he can't know that.

But he can read my expression better than anyone else I know. So I just let the words come out: "I love you, too."

The rest is up to your imagination :-)
Hope you enjoyed! Also, my new story (My Only Chance) is out today, please check it out!
Love you so much!
-Rina xoxoxoxo

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