Fairy tales do come true

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They were both out of breath when they released each other's embrace. Jungkook lifted Jimin's chin so they would look eye to eye.

"Angel, please look at me. I am about to say something."

Jimin obediently obliged.

"Remember the time when I introduced you to my grandfather? Can you still remember his first words upon meeting you?"

"He mentioned the man on the rooftop."

"Baby, there was a time when the office's rooftop was my solace. When I am about to burst out with stress from work, I stay there to clear my head and regroup my thoughts. But everything changed when you started visiting the rooftop every lunch break. There is something in me that wants to protect you, comfort you, and be there for you."

"Was it because you pity me?"

"No, angel. Never that. I was drawn to you because I fell helplessly in love with you."

Jimin could not believe his ears and scanned JK's face as if reading his thoughts.

"The day your inconsiderate supervisor dismissed you from work, you do not know how I frantically harassed the Human Resource department for your information details. You do not know how worried I was. I do not know where you are and how I will find you. I went straight to your apartment and learned that your landlord evicted you. So when your supervisor emailed me your new cellphone number, I prayed hard that I could reach you. Luckily, I did."

"Jimin, I'm sorry that I used the unfortunate events in life to force you to marry me. I was selfish to ever propose to you that way. I know I have no right to ask you this, but will you let me court you properly?"

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry I cannot allow that."

"I understand." JK sadly answered.

"Babe, will you please look at me?" Jimin softly requested and held JK hands.

JK looked up with tears in his eyes.

"How can I allow you to court me when you are already my husband?"


"I love you, Jungkook, with all my heart."

"Are you sure, angel? Are you not angry? You are not pulling my leg?"

"Of course not, silly. Come closer so I can show you how much I love you."

And Jimin kissed Jungkook with all the love he kept bottled in all this time.

After their steamy night together, Jimin thanked his lucky star and guardian angel. And he thought, "Fairy tales do come true."

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