You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars.- Gary Allan

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As usual, Jimin woke up earlier to prepare his husband's breakfast and suit. Ms. Oh called to inform him of their tuxedo fitting at 10:30 AM. It was part of Jimin's day-to-day itinerary of talking to Ms. Oh regarding his husband's morning activities since he prepares his stuff.

At 8:00 AM, he gently wakes up JK. And as usual, the waking up turns out to be another making-out session for them, how Jimin lives for their morning steamy making-love session.

"Babe, please get up. You have a tuxedo fitting at 10:30 AM, and you need to finish your workout and eat breakfast before that."

"Baby, isn't our earlier making love a workout? JK sexily asked.

"Babe, please stand up, or I will devour you." Jimin provokingly answered.

"I am all yours, baby."

After a few more kisses, JK hesitantly left their bed.

"By the way, baby, you will be coming with me."

"Me? Why?"

"You must have your suit and tuxedo fitting for tonight and tomorrow's events. You will be my date." JK replied before going to the bathroom for a shower.

"O-ok, will everyone involved in the merger be joining the event?"

"Yes, grandfather will be there, Hobi hyung. I think he asked Tae to be his date. You two can catch up later."

"That will be great, babe."

"Jin will also be there. I wonder if he will be bringing a date?" Jimin thought.

"Ummm, angel, could you hand me a towel?"

"Why did I forget to put fresh towels? That's weird, and I clearly remember putting fresh towels this morning." JM murmured as he entered the bathroom.

JK pulled him close to his naked body.

"Babe, I am getting wet!"

"Let's take a shower together, angel. I am getting lonely, please?" Jungkook flashed his bunny smile card.

"Yahhhhh, just be sure it's just shower!"

And they arrived at their appointment one hour late.


After the appointment, Jimin called Tae to confirm if he would be attending today's event.

"Hi, bestie! Unfortunately, I cannot attend today's event. But I will be attending the cocktail dinner party tomorrow."

"O-okay, Tae."

"Honey, is there a problem?"

"I am so nervous meeting Jin."

"Is Jungkook giving you any reasons to be nervous?"

"No, he is very attentive, loving, and sweet."

"Yah, you worry for nothing! Believe in your husband, have faith in what you have."

"I will try my best, bestie."

"If there is a problem, you know how to reach me, okay. Love you."


Jungkook and Jimin exchanged kisses while preparing for the media conference, but Jimin ensured they would not arrive late this time.

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged kisses while preparing for the media conference, but Jimin ensured they would not arrive late this time

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As they entered the conference room, there was a swamp of media representatives. Most of them were curious about the CEO's better half. After several photos were taken, the couple were ushered onto the stage, where JK's grandfather warmly welcomed Jimin with a hug.

"How are you, Jimin? Is Jungkook taking care of you?"

"Good afternoon, grandfather. Yes, he was more than I can ever ask for."

"That's great; if he causes you a problem, do not hesitate to call me. I may be slower, but I can still whack him good."

Grandpa's thoughtfulness touched Jimin. He turned around to see JK talking to several important-looking people. He made his excuses to hal-abeoji, cautiously approached his husband, and gently pulled his sleeves.

'Hi, baby. It seemed grandfather missed you more than me," JK chuckled.

"Anyway, I would like you to meet the delegates of the Jjangu Industries, gentlemen, my husband, Jeon Jimin."

"Good afternoon." Jimin politely bows to them. Then suddenly a guy hugged him from the side.

"Jimin, it was so nice to meet you finally."

Jimin turned towards the person who warmly greeted him and instantaneously stiffened, he felt jealousy creep over his body, but he managed to reply.

"Nice to meet you too, Jin hyung."

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