Heard it through the grapevine

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The next day, Jimin woke up earlier than usual, prepared his husband's bath, oversaw his breakfast, and then prepared the suit he would be wearing.

"Babe, wake up. It is already 7:30 AM. Ms. Oh called early this morning to remind you of the brunch meeting at 10:00 AM. You can't afford to be late." Jimin cooed.

Instead of getting up, JK pulled Jimin back to bed.

"Let's go back to sleep, angel."

"I wish we could do that, babe. But what about your meeting?"

"I can request Hobi hyung to attend it on my behalf. Besides, I was so tired after our exhausting activity last night. Are you tired of it?"

Jimin felt that his blood went up to his face, "Babe, hal-abeoji might worry if you will not attend."

"Angel, yesterday you did not want me to leave you. Why a sudden change?"

"I love you, and you love me. Why should I be worried? I decided to throw the unnecessary apprehensions out the window. Babe, please get up."

"Fine, but with one condition."

"Okay, what is that condition."

Jimin's eyes widened when JK whispered his condition.

"Ready, angel?" JK winked at his husband.

Jimin blushingly nodded and gave in to his husband's early morning request.


Jungkook left the house at 9:45 AM. Jimin hoped that his husband would not be late for his meeting. He was about to help the gardener transfer some new plants when Mr. Kim announced Taehyung's arrival.

"Bestie! I was not expecting you today, but I love that you visited me."

"Jimin, my coworkers, swapped his scheduled day off this week. That is why I am free today. Are you busy?"

"Ummm, not really."

"Bestie, I need to tell you something."

"Ok, sweet. I am all ears."

"B-but promise me, you will let me finish first before you react."

"Hobi hyung, already proposed?!?"

"Park Jimin! I told you to let me finish the story before reacting."

"I am sorry. And it's Jeon Jimin, by the way. I am just making this light. You look so serious."

 Jimin replied while leading Tae into the living room.

Jimin asked Tae if he preferred coffee, tea, or juice. The latter absently answered, wine. Making Jimin think that this must be serious.

"Since today is my day off, I invited Hobi for a few drinks in a bar last night. He came in late because they attended a company dinner with the delegates of Jjangu Industries. Last night, Hobi was not his usual happy self. He was somewhat agitated. After finishing a few glasses of wine, he began to chatter."

"O-okay, then what happened, Tae?"

"He gave me a blow-by-blow account of what happened in the office yesterday. To cut the story short, the cause of his anxious behavior was that Jjangu has a new president."

"Yes, it was mentioned by Jungkook last night. But according to him, the change did not affect the merger. So what is Hobi hyung so stressed about?"

"Jjangu's new president is Jungkook's first love, Kim Seok-jin."

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