Surprise Dinner

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Jungkook felt very tired as he reached home. He was still wondering about his reaction to seeing Jin again. He thought he was over him, but seeing him face-to-face brought sensations he was unaware of.

He decided to use the guest room tonight. He cannot face Jimin tonight. Not that he doesn't miss his husband, but JK felt guilty about breaking his promise of going home early, and he was confused with his mixed feelings about seeing Jin hyung again.

He was about to go up the stairs when he noticed his husband sleeping on the couch in the living room. He also caught a faint scent of scented candles from the dining room, so he checked it out. He felt more guilty seeing the dinner setup on the table. He asked Mr. Kim, the butler, why there was such a setup.

"Master Jimin prepared a surprise dinner for you. But, your husband was more surprised when you did not come home for dinner." the butler cheekily explained. Mr. Kim had been serving the Jeons even before JK was born. He was very straightforward and brutally honest. One of the traits JK appreciated with his old friend.

"You mean to tell me he cooked everything?"

"Yes, master Jungkook. He prepared plenty, shared his heavenly home-cooked meal with us, and declared that this was the least thing he could do to thank the staff for taking good care of both of you. He even baked a triple chocolate cake for dessert. And if you want to know, he hasn't eaten dinner."

"Ahhhh, angel."

"Should I get new candles? The ones he used earlier were all burnout waiting for you." Mr. Kim irreverently added.

"Mr. Kim, I am already feeling shit with guilt. Will you please not rub it more?"

"Oh, that's nice to hear, sir, since your husband spends his entire day preparing dinner. He even went out to personally do the grocery this morning."

"Stop. I get your point. What do you suggest I do now since you seem upset about me missing dinner?"

"Go to your husband, wake him up, explain why you went home late, kind of drunk, and be sure to make up with him for coming home late. Shoo, go now."

"It had been more than a week since the household staff met Jimin, yet their loyalty was now with him. Baby, you are one of a kind." JK proudly mused.


"Baby, wake up? Angel?"

"B-babe? Goodness! Why so late? I was so worried, you did not even text or call me?"

"I'm so sorry angel, hal-beoji came to the office and invited the Jjangu delegates for a dinner. Things got busy, I was not able to call you. Can you forgive me?"

"O-okay, but next time call or text me, so I will not be worried ok?"

"I am very sorry, angel."

"It was okay, just don't make this a habit, going home very late. By the way, how's hal-beoji? How's the merger? It was a success, right?"

"Grandpa is doing well, he seem to enjoy his retirement.  By looking at him, no one can tell that he was very sick, or was he?"

"Babe, are you doubting your grandfather?"

"Come to think of it, he miraclously felt better after our wedding," JK giggled.

"Well, it is win win situation, thanks to him we found each other. So how was your day? I read in a news article that Jjangu have a new president. I hope it did not affect the merger."

"It didn't," but it affected me, JK silently thought.

"Let us not talk about work, baby. Rest assured that your hotshot CEO husband sealed the deal. Ummm, let's eat dinner?"

"I thought you attended a company dinner?"

"But you haven't eaten your dinner, and besides I'm still hungry." JK added with a wink.

"Oh, then let me heat up the food for you," Jimin hurriedly went to the kitchen.

When Mr. Kim suddenly appeared in the dining room and prepared the romantic setup.

"Ahhh, thanks Mr. Kim.  You are best!"

"Good night, Mr. Kim. I will take it from here."

Mr. Kim whispered to Jungkook, "Just be sure to patch things up and never sleep with an unsettled argument." And greeted Jimin "Good evening, master Jimin."

Jungkook smiled, for it was very obvious that Mr. Kim fancied his husband.

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