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Overall, you were just glad that they were alive, and so you began talking to your friend.

"Wanna explain why you're here? I haven't seen you since you stepped down as a pro" you worked with them at the same agency before they moved to Hosu for a better gig.

"The police in Musutafu think that the Hero Killer and the League of Villains might be connected. We had a suspicion that the Hero Killer might've still been in Hosu so they sent me here to find something that would connect the two. But I certainly didn't expect to see something as obvious as Nomu" as if you summoned it by saying it's name, a Nomu flys in, screeching and bleeding.

"Get down!" Gran Torino yells

"Oh no!" Another Hero screams. The Nomu grabs Izuku with his feet and begins flying off. Blood from the science experiment is getting everywhere. "It's bleeding! It must be trying to escape!" The same hero yells out. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the Hero Killer move and in a blink of an eye, he's freed from the ropes he was tied with. He licked the face of one of the hero's and you see the Nomu begin to fall as he raced after him.

"The word 'hero' has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams!" He stabs Nomu in the brain and pants heavily. "You must all be purged" Everyone was frozen with fear as he continued his rant. You mustered the strength to turn on your quirk, you had to know what his aura was like in this moment. These were the kinds of criminals you used to hunt down and you had a wide knowledge of what they were like. Of course, his was different.

"Everything that I do, is to create a stronger society." When you wanted to see the aura's of a certain person, very rarely is it singled out. You usually get everyone else's as well, and a chill ran down your spine as you picked up the aura of someone even worse than the Hero Killer. Someone who's aura you've only felt a trace of in Yua's office. You looked up and around, trying to find where this could have come from. And then you spotted him, up on a water tower. It was quite some ways away, so you only saw the two figures, but without a doubt, that was the aura of evil incarnate.

"Why are you all standing around like fools?" Endeavor ran around the corner and snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned your quirk off and turned around. The Hero Killer still had Izuku and Endeavor was about to throw a flame at him but Gran Torino stopped him just in time. The Hero Killer turns around and his mask falls off, revealing a chilling sight of a man who has fully gone off the deep end. You stepped back, you didn't need your quirk to feel the pure hatred that radiated off of him. As he called out to Endeavor, everyone was frozen in their place.

"All Might is worthy!" The Hero Killer claims. Some people fell back, you're body wanted to get as far away from this man as possible. Your fight or flight instincts were going off the charts, but you couldn't move. Even when the Hero Killer collapsed, you just stared at him, unable to do or say anything.

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