Junior Year

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The summer before junior year, Peyton and I worked together at the gym again.

Her and Tommy had broken up, he was going to college in Arizona, and they didn't want to go long distance.

But a new guy started visiting her at the gym sometimes- Sean Samuels. Sean was in her grade, and a known trouble maker. He had been suspended before for bringing weed to school, and yes, he was good looking. But he didn't have the best reputation.

Peyton seemed pretty infatuated with him though.

And during the first week of my junior year, and the first week of her senior year- she dropped a bomb on all of us.

I was up in my room, and all of a sudden I heard my dad yelling from downstairs, what sounded like the kitchen.

My dad has a bit of a quick temper, but he sounded mad.

Whatever Peyton did must have really pissed him off this time.

I went down to the kitchen, where I could hear his voice, as well as my moms and Peyton's.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I heard Peyton say, through tears.

"How could you be so damn irresponsible?" my dad said back, his voice seething with anger.

"I-it was an accident! And I can't do anything about it now, I'm not getting an abortion!" Peyton said.

Oh fuck. She's pregnant.

"Of course you're not having an abortion, sweetie. Your father and I would never let you do that." my mother said, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Damn right you're not." My dad said, "You're having this child, you're still graduating high school, and you're raising this baby."

"Will I have your help?" Peyton asked, still in tears.

"Of course." my mom said. She didn't even sound very angry.

"I'm not kicking you out, if that's what you're asking." my dad said back.

There was a moment of silence, and I figured it would be a somewhat safe time to walk into the kitchen.

When I did, my mom, dad, and Peyton all turned to look at me. Peyton had mascara stained down her cheeks.

"I'm guessing you heard all of that." my dad said to me.

I nodded. "Yes. I heard that Peyton is pregnant."

My dad then said to me, "I hope you won't be so stupid to do the same thing."

"Bobby, enough." my mom said to him, as Peyton started crying again.

"No, Dana. I'm speaking the truth." my dad said.

I didn't say anything back- but in my head I couldn't help but think-

Oh, you certainly don't have to worry about that.

Speaking of sex- or the lack of it in my life- I was starting to think about it more. In particular- sex with women.

I couldn't quite imagine it. I would sometimes think about it before I went to bed.

I didn't want to look up porn on my phone. My parents were the ones that paid by phone bill, and the thought of them seeing I looked up Pornhub made me sick.

So I looked up things on YouTube. I had my own account, I figured they couldn't see what I looked up. It was a safer option.

Upon searching on YouTube for TV shows that had lesbian couples, I found a show called "The L Word".

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