Senior Year

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My senior year started. My parents were having me focus on which college I wanted to go to, and finishing out high school with a great GPA.

But all I had on my mind was one thing- Max.

Thoughts of her constantly flooded my mind. I texted her throughout the day whenever I could. She had more freedom to text since she was doing most of her classes at the community college.

I was still working- 2 days a week. I had a strict schedule of Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoon/nights.

Lucky for me- Max was working Wednesday nights as well. She took on more hours than me, she said she needed as much money as she could get- and that when she turned 18 on January 20th, she would pick up even more hours.

The three people that knew about Max- McKinley, Peyton, and Drew- were happy for me. By the time school started, Max and I still hadn't labeled anything- and we also hadn't had sex yet.

The most we had done was kiss. I didn't know much about her sexual history yet. She seemed a bit nervous when it came to sex- but I knew we would get there. There was no rush.

The first week of my senior year came and went, and Max invited me over to her house Friday night.

I hadn't actually gone to Max's house yet either.

I felt nervous to go to her house- mainly because I was lying to my parents about where exactly I would be. I had gotten used to doing that with Gabby, but it seemed much more real with Max. Like I had more to lose.

Because I did.

I told my mom that McKinley and I were going out to eat with Katie and Priyanka- who I was still friends with.

But I had Max's address in my phone maps. And I kept getting terrified that my car would break down and my cover would be blown. My parents would find out, and my life would be hell.

But I pulled up to Max's house, without my car breaking down.

Max lived in a townhome development, in an end unit. I could see that Max's yard was kept up with and clean, but some over her neighbors had tons of toys, supplies, and alcohol bottles strewn on on the front yards.

Max told me that her mom wasn't home, but her sister, Charlotte was.

I texted Max that I had arrived, and I saw her front door open a moment later. She stood there, and waved to me.

When I walked up, she opened the door and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're here." she said,

"Me too." I said, and we pulled away.

I noticed a girl standing behind Max, looking at us. She had very similar facial features to Max, but her hair was long and dark blonde.

"Bella, this my sister, Charlotte." Max gestures toward the girl looking at us. "Char, are you just going to stand there and stare or say hello?"

"I'm just shocked that you've pulled a girl that's pretty."

Charlotte said, and then walked away.

Max rolled her eyes. "That's Charlotte for you. Sorry about her. Want to go up to my room?"

"That's okay. She kind of complimented me?" I laughed.

I was taking in Max's house as I spoke to her. It was on the smaller side, and it was quite cluttered. There wasn't any leftover food or anything out, it was dirty- but there was just a lot of stuff everywhere. On the couch there were a bunch of envelopes and pieces of paper that were half unfolded.

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