After College Continued

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I had no clue what to do.

Do I break up with Kyla? No, I can't do that. I can't break up with Kyla and then start dating Max. I also just shouldn't run back to Max that easily. I don't want to get hurt again.

I was feeling sick over this situation. I laid in bed on Monday night, fully dressed to go out to dinner with Kyla.

She had come back from Ocean City, and wanted to take me out to dinner.

A year ago, I would have been so ecstatic to go out to dinner with Kyla. We would have gone out, had some drinks, and then gone back to her place and most likely have sex- and then she would drive me back to campus in the morning.

But things were now different.

Max was in the picture.

Kyla asked me if I could meet her at the restaurant, a really nice Japanese restaurant, after she was done with work.

I told her sure, and that I was excited to see her.

I put on a cute black dress and a pair of sandals with a heel, and drove over to the restaurant.

Kyla said she was already there, and had reserved a table for us.

I spotted her right when I walked into the restaurant, and she smiled and waved at me. She was in a blue blazer with a white shirt underneath, and her hair was down and straight. She also had a nice tan going, from the beach.

I walked over and sat down across from her.

"Hey, you look nice." I said to her, "Very tan."

"I fell asleep at the beach." she chuckled, "But one plus is that it got me this nice tan."

She seemed oddly on edge. I could tell by how she was drumming her fingers on the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, "You seem...nervous."

"It was just a stressful day." Kyla said, "But I'm all good. What should we order?"

Kyla and I looked at the menu together, and she seemed a little more relaxed. She told me more about her trip, and asked how my night out with Jamal was.

I told her it was good- leaving out that I saw Max.

I'm the worst.

We were served our sushi, and we started digging in with the chopsticks.

Kyla then said, "So, I want to talk to you about something that happened this weekend."

I felt my stomach drop. Something about Kyla's tone was off. "Okay." I said, "What happened?"

"So, one of my friends who I went with on the trip, Hannah, we used to hook up back in law school. I told you that, right?"

"No. You haven't. But continue." I said.

"I swore I did. Anyway, we went out on Saturday night, all of us. And we got super drunk. I don't really remember much of anything, but I woke up in Hannah's bed. In my underwear. She says we fooled around, I don't know if that's true or not." Kyla said.

She said it with such ease, like it was any other story she was telling me about the weekend.

"Wait, what?" I said, not believing what I was hearing.

"It's not a big deal, I promise. Plus, I don't even remember if something happened." Kyla said.

"But Hannah told you something did happen."

"Yeah. I mean, who knows if we did something. But it doesn't matter, I promise." Kyla said, speaking fast.

"You cheated on me." I said, my chest tightening up.

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