After College

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Almost Four Years Later

As I unpacked the rest of my belongings into my dresser, I placed the last thing from my bag into the drawer.

A slightly worn out crocheted smiley face stress ball.

I looked at it for an extra moment before closing my dresser drawer.

I then sat down on my bed.

I was back in my childhood bedroom, and it felt fucking weird.

College was over- I had graduated two weeks ago.

I was going to be starting my graduate program in September, and I was going to be working all summer where I had worked in high school, and all of my breaks- Chopped.

I was now 22 years old, and as expected- a lot in my life had changed.

I heard a knock at my door, and I said, "Come in."

I figured it was my dad- out of him and my mom, he would be the one much more likely to talk to me.

"Hey, Bell." he said, coming into my room. "You're all unpacked?"

"I am." I said, "I just finished emptying everything into my dresser drawer. All unpacked."

"Good, I'm glad you're all settled in. I know that moving back home after college wasn't your first choice, but I promise- I will treat you like the adult you are." my dad grinned at me, "And I know that your mom...she wants to work on things with you."

"I think this will be a good opportunity to." I smiled at my dad.

"Alright. I'll take the three of us out to dinner sometime this week. Are you seeing Kyla tonight?"

"I am. And I'm probably going to stay over at her apartment." I nodded, "Is that okay?"

"Like I said, I'm treating you like an adult. All I ask is that you tell me or your mom where you are going, and that's all I need." my dad said.

"Okay. I promise I'll let you know where I am going." I said.

"Cool." my dad nodded, "Peyton is coming over with Savannah and Kyle later. Maybe you'll catch them before you leave."

He then closed the door to my room.

Peyton was now engaged to Kyle, who she met two years ago. She was now 23 years old, and Savannah was 5.

I laid down on my bed and turned on Netflix. I figured I would do that until Kyla told me that I was okay to come to her apartment.

By the time 5 PM rolled around, I was surprised that she hadn't texted me or called me. So I decided to give her a call.

She answered after the second ring. "Hey, babe. Can I call you soon? I'm finishing up an interview."

"Oh, sure. Sorry!" I said, and hung up.

Kyla had mentioned to me that she was interviewing a few Paralegals this week, since her old one, Keisha, had put in her notice since she was moving.

Kyla Francis, my girlfriend, is an Attorney. She works a town over from me, and lives there as well.

She called me about twenty minutes later.

"I'm so sorry I interrupted your interview!" I said, "I hope I didn't ruin it."

"Hey, stop worrying. You didn't ruin it at all. I think I'm going to hire the girl I interviewed. I'll tell you more when you come over. I'll place an order for some sushi for us." Kyla reassured me.

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