Senior Year Continued

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I could tell that Max was feeling insecure about the fact that I was going to be going away to college in the Fall- not that I would be very far, and I was going to see her so much- but I knew she was still nervous that I was going to not want to be with her, or that I would meet someone else.

I wanted to do something nice for her to show that I loved her, and she didn't have to worry.

We had now been dating for about 6 months, and I had quite a few pictures of us that I could put in a cute scrapbook- and just write some cute notes to Max.

Peyton was going to the local community college to study to be an x-ray technician, and when I told her that I was making this scrapbook for Max, she volunteered to print the pictures at school- so I wouldn't get caught at home.

"Just as long as there aren't any nudes or anything." Peyton said.

"No nudes." I promised.

Peyton printed out the photos, and the next day gave them to me. It was a Wednesday, so I went to work on the scrapbook for a couple of hours until I had to leave for work.

I was proud of it as I finished just in the nick of time for work. I added stickers, and fun colors and all of the pictures of Max, along with some sweet notes to her. Just to show her that I loved her.

As I was about to leave, Peyton knocked on my door, Savannah on her hip.

"Hey! Did you finish the scrapbook?" she asked me.

"I did." I held it up, "I think it turned out great. Thank you for the photos!"

"I'm about to go into the nursery with Savannah, can I bring it with me and take a look?"

I was slightly hesitant. "You'll put it back right after?"

"Of course." Peyton nodded, "I won't let mom or dad see it."

I handed Peyton the scrapbook.

What a mistake that was.

I was at work for about an hour, when my phone kept vibrating.

"Christy, do you mind if I check my phone real quick?" I asked her, "It keeps vibrating."

"Of course. If you need to call someone, just go to the break room." Christy said.

Max, who was on register, looked at me- slightly concerned.

I took my phone out of my apron, and looked down to see four missed calls.

From Peyton.

The chill that ran down my spine when I saw she called me four times was like nothing I had ever felt before.

They know.

"Christy, I have to go make a phone call. I'll be back." I said, my heart in my throat.

I even rushed past Max to go to the break room, I was in such a nervous daze.

As soon as I was back there, I called Peyton. She answered on the second ring.

"Bella, I'm so sorry." she said quietly, and she sounded very upset, almost as if she was crying. "I had left the scrapbook in the nursery by accident. I asked mom to go grab me a blanket from there to bring downstairs, and by the time I ran back upstairs when I realized it was in there, she was already looking at it. She knows. And she called dad. They know. I'm so, so fucking sorry."

I felt my body go numb, and I hardly even noticed Max walk back into the break room. She walked over to me, hesitating.

"Are they mad?" I asked Peyton. That was all I could say.

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