After College Continued

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I was very nervous to go to the birthday dinner the next night. I found myself changing in and out of outfits, and redoing my hair and makeup.

Who am I really trying to look good for here?

I was going to go to Kyla's, and then we were going to drive over to the restaurant, Rocco's, together.

As I was on my way out, I heard my mom say, "You look very pretty."

I turned around to see her in the foyer, looking at me.

"Thanks, mom." I said, "I'll be home a little later."

"Have fun." my mom said, and gave me a wave.

When I got to Kyla's, she gave me a once over when she greeted me at the door.

"Damn. I have a sexy girlfriend." she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So do I." I said, "You look amazing in that dress."

Kyla had on a black dress that was sleeveless, and hugged her body well. Her hair was straight and in a high ponytail. She wore some light makeup around her green eyes.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked me.

"Yes." I said, "This will be a nice time."

"Agreed." Kyla smiled at me, "Let's just hope no one fights about Politics like last year."

"We will keep it a Trump free zone." I said, referring to the current President in 2018.

Kyla laughed, "Let's hope."

We got into Kyla's Audi, and she drove us over to the restaurant.

One thing that I've always felt with Kyla is secure. Not just because she has money- that's not why at all. She always has everything planned, and I just have to go along with her for the ride.

When we got to the restaurant, a private party room was rented for us in the back. It was filled with at least 40 people, and there were already drinks flowing and seafood tower appetizers out.

"Let's mingle." Kyla said.

I kept looking around to see if Max was there- but I didn't see her yet.

Kyla and I were grabbing a drink when she looked at her phone and said, "Babe- Maxine just texted me that she is here, but she's not sure what room we are in and there isn't anyone up front that can help her. Can you go get her? I want to go say hi to Vinny's wife."

"Oh. Sure, of course." I nodded.

"Thanks. You're the best." Kyla said.

As I walked out of the party room and to the front of the restaurant, I felt slightly baffled at how little care Kyla seemed to have that Max was my ex girlfriend.

I had told her about Max. That we dated back in high school, and I was pretty heartbroken from it. But I didn't mention it too much- because it was still painful.

I felt my breath hitch as I saw Max standing at the front of the restaurant, looking lost.

She had on a black and white striped blazer, and a pair of tight black pants along with heels. Her hair was in a small low ponytail again, and she had on more makeup than when I saw her Wednesday.

She caught my eye, and I saw her swallow, nervously.

I made my way over to her.

When I was in front of her I said, "Hey. Kyla wanted me to come get you."

"Yeah, I, uh, I didn't know where the room was that the party was in." Max said, not looking me in the eye.

"Follow me." I said.

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