Senior Year Continued

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Being with Max started to over take my life- and not in a bad way. I was falling for her, more and more each day- and especially after each time I saw her.

However, keeping it from my parents was becoming a bit of a stressor. I would tell them I was with McKinley most of the time, or occasionally Katie or Priyanka- or even co workers.

I had this pit in my stomach every single day that my parents would find out about Max.

Just keep your secret until college. Then you can figure it out.

That's what I kept telling myself. Less than a year now of keeping this secret from them.

It was also a challenge at work to keep it a secret. Max and I really tried. But it pained me inside to not be able to tell people she was my girlfriend.

Yes, girlfriend.

At the end of September we made it official. I asked her- and she said she assumed we were already "official."

It felt so surreal that I actually had a girlfriend.

My parents wanted me to focus on where I was going to college- but all I could focus on was Max. And I now knew for sure that I did not want to go far away from her.

I used to tell my parents I wanted to possibly go to New York for college. But that changed. I wanted to stay in the Philadelphia area. And when my mom asked me what changed my mind- I used the excuse of wanting to be near family, especially my niece.

Halloween rolled around- and the same co-worker who had the party where Max and I first kissed at, Rashad, was having a bonfire,

I asked him if I could bring McKinley as well, and he said of course.

McKinley still hadn't met Max yet- my best friend and my girlfriend.

McKinley and I wore costumes that went together- she was a devil, and I was an angel. I had told Max that I was dressing up as an angel. She said that was fitting- and that she was planning a costume herself.

McKinley picked me up from my parents house, and then we were going to go pick up Max- the step I left out to my parents.

Tonight was going to be special too- because it was going to be the first time Max and I were spending the night together.

I had been too nervous to lie to my parents about sleeping over Max's. I didn't want to take that step yet- but tonight it was planned that both Max and I would sleep at McKinley's house.

"I'm excited to meet Max." McKinley said to me as we pulled up to her house.

"She's excited to meet you as well. I know you'll get along." I said, and texted Max that we were out front.

My breath hitched when I saw Max walk out.

She was dressed as an angel too- but a dark angel. She had black wings and a black halo. Her hair was in two small high ponytails, and she wore deep, dark makeup. She had on a small black dress with a tulle skirt- I never thought I would see her in a dress.

But she looked amazing.

"You weren't lying when you said she was gorgeous." McKinley said.

"I have to tell her." I said, getting out of the car.

I got out, and walked up to Max as she was walking toward the car.

"Max!" I said, "You look amazing."

We finally met, and she pulled me in for a kiss.

"Sorry if I got my lipstick on you." she said, "But you look amazing too. White fits you."

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