Senior Year Continued

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I decided on which college I was going to attend in December. I chose a college called Arcadia University- it was less than an hour from my parents house- and Max's house.

The school was small, and it seemed like a much better fit for me than a bigger University, like Temple University, in the city. It even had a castle on campus. Yes, an actual castle.

My parents took me out to dinner along with Peyton and Savannah, who was now 7 months old. They said they wanted to celebrate me choosing which college I wanted to go to.

While they wanted to celebrate, they didn't hide their disdain for my choice. Arcadia was a private college with a large LGBTQ population.

Even better for me.

We went to a nice sushi restaurant in my town, and we all got some rolls to share. I was having a nice time with my family- when I saw a text from Max.

It said: Call me when you can, I know you're out to dinner, but call me right after

Right away that made me want to end dinner- and just go call Max.

What's going on?

I texted her back: I'll call you right when I can. Are you okay?

She sent back: Not really

When my family finally got back from dinner, after what felt like a million years, I went into my room, called Max, and spoke softly.

She answered, "Hey."

I could tell right from her voice that she had been crying.

"What's going on?" I said, softly.

"My dad's sister found me on Facebook, and sent me a really nasty message. I-I just don't know what to do." Max said back, crying.

"Did you tell your mom?"

"I texted her, she's at work. The message just has me so scared, Bella."

I have to be with her. Even if it's only for a little while.

"I'm going to find an excuse to come over." I said, "Just give me a few minutes."

"Okay." Max said, "I-I love you."

"I love you too."

Fuck. How am I going to pull this off?

Even though she was in the next room over- I texted Peyton.

I said: I need an excuse to leave the house. Please help me. I have to go see Max.

She texted me back: On it.

A few moments later I heard her call up to me from downstairs, "Bell! Come on down, I have a surprise for you."

I rushed downstairs, and into the kitchen, where Peyton was with my parents. My mom was holding Savannah.

"What's up?" I asked, "You have a surprise?"

"Yeah! I mentioned to mom and dad that I want to help you decorate your future dorm room. It's Friday night, Target is open later. Why don't we go and pick out a few things? Just us, mom and dad will watch Savannah." Peyton said.

She was beyond convincing.

"I think that sounds great." I smiled at Peyton.

My dad handed her his credit card.

"Don't go crazy." he warned.

Peyton and I grabbed our bags, and then headed to her car.

When I shut the passenger side door she said, "Okay- here's what's going to happen. I'm going to drive you to Max's. You can spend some time with her- and I'll drive over to Target and pick out a few things. Then I'll pick you up."

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