Summer Before Senior Year Continued

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Getting to know Max, as more than just a friend or a co worker, almost didn't feel real. It showed me that what I had with Gabby was nothing compared to what I was feeling for Max.

What I had with Gabby was physical- she taught me the ropes when it came to sex. When it came to going down on a girl, 69'ing, and sex toys. I wasn't an expert, but I knew what I was doing now.

With Max- I wanted to get to know her for her. Sure, I was attracted to her. I wanted to learn her body, know what she felt like and tasted like. But getting to know Max for who she was was the icing on the cake.

The week after we kissed, I felt giddy going to work. We had been texting everyday- and having this secret go on with her felt thrilling.

We worked together the Friday after Rashad's party- almost a week after we kissed.

The whole shift we tried to not make it obvious that we had something going on, and I think we did a pretty good job of it. We did not flirt at all- we couldn't. Sure, we stole a few glances and smiles, but no one noticed.

I was leaving before Max, and I felt disappointed that I wouldn't get time with her. I went back to the break room, and grabbed my bag.


I turned around to see Max standing near the door, behind me.

"Oh! Hey." I couldn't help but smile at Max as she walked over.

"I told them up front that I had to call my mom." Max said, "But that was a lie, of course. I wanted to talk to you."

"I don't want you getting in trouble." I said, my heart beating faster as Max leaned against the lockers next to me, where we all kept our bags.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick." Max said, "I wanted to see what you were doing tomorrow night. I thought maybe we could hangout. I like texting you...but I would love to spend time with you in person."

"Yeah. Absolutely." I nodded, "I'd really like that. What would you want to do?"

"Maybe we could go for a walk in the park?" Max asked me, "We can figure out which park."

"Sounds great." I nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow, Max."

She smiled at me. "I can't wait."

Neither could I.

I lied and told my mom that I was going to McKinley's house. And I told McKinley about Max. She was really happy for me- she had been there for me throughout everything with Gabby- who now felt like a distant memory.

I put on a black sundress with buttons and a sheer white cardigan. I slightly curled my hair as well. I wanted to look pretty- I wanted Max to think I looked pretty.

I felt nervous. I felt ridiculous for this- I had worked with Max plenty of times and we already kissed.

I knocked on the door of the nursery, where Peyton was with Savannah.

My brother, Drew, who was home for the summer for another week was also there, surprisingly. I wanted to just talk to Peyton- not Drew. So I decided I would just casually say goodbye.

"You look awfully cute." Peyton said to me, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh, thanks." I said, "I'm hanging out with McKinley."

"Are you two going out somewhere?" Drew asked me.

"Yeah. Maybe for dinner." I said.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're going on a date." Drew chuckled.

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