After College Continued

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I didn't want to go in on Maxine's first day. That would be too weird. However, Kyla did tell me on Monday that Maxine did really well for her first day.

I didn't have work on Wednesday, so I decided that it would be perfect.

I felt my heart racing as I picked up a sandwich from Kyla's favorite gourmet to go grocery store, as well as a black coffee. She had a Keurig at her office, but complained the coffee there was never strong enough.

Kyla is a partner at a law firm. She is 27 years old- she has been a lawyer for three years. Given, her father used to be a partner at the firm. But she is extremely intelligent and great at her job.

The office, which is a smaller, but very nice modern building, is divided into four sections. There is the waiting area, and then each door from the waiting area leads to each partner in the firm. When you opened the door, there was then a large desk- where the paralegal sat at. It looked almost like a mini waiting room itself, with a small couch and a coffee table as well. I was used to seeing Keisha there. Then, behind the desk was another office, which was Kyla's.

I walked into the waiting area, and the receptionist, Gina, greeted me.

"Hi, Bella! Here to see Kyla?" she smiled at me.

"Yes, I brought her some lunch." I held up the paper bag with her sandwich and her coffee.

"How nice of you! You can go ahead into her office. Her new Paralegal is there." Gina said to me.

"Thanks." I smiled at Gina. But my heart was pounding.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door to the room.

I was either going to be in for it- or honestly- have my hopes let down.

But I would never admit that.

I stepped in, and as I did- my eyes locked with a very familiar pair of blue eyes.

I stood there, frozen.

I thought I would know what to do if I saw Max. But now that I was actually there in front of her- I had no fucking idea what to do.

Neither did she, because she sat there at her desk, looking like she saw a ghost.

She still looked like Max- just a bit more professional.

Her black hair, that I could still tell was shorter, was pulled into a small low ponytail. She had on lighter makeup than I was used to seeing, and I saw she had a hoop in her nose.

She wore a black blazer over a black shirt.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I gazed at her.

She's still so fucking gorgeous.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you today!"

Kyla's voice snapped me out of my trance, and Max immediately turned to look at Kyla.

"I brought you some lunch." I said, holding out the bag and cup of coffee,

"Hey, your hands are shaking." Kyla said as she walked over and took the bag and cup, "Are you okay, have you eaten?"

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Max staring at us.

"I haven't eaten much, actually." I said, "But I wanted to bring you something."

"Thank you." Kyla leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

It felt almost wrong to have her kiss me in front of Max.

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