Chapter 1

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I don't know what you'll think. Maybe you'll like it maybe you won't! But read it and find out.

Everyone knows that, in a school, you only associate with certain people. It's really true. People think it only applies to television shows, but anyone in high school knows that it's not.

Once you've made your friends in year seven, unless you move schools or win the lottery, you stick with the friends or type of people you hung around with then. Your fate is decided the moment you walk through those doors on your first day, and there is nothing you can do about that.

That was something John Smith had learnt very quickly. He stuck out like his big chin on his first day.

He was one of the tallest in his year and he was the top in every single class. And the teachers didn't hesitate to show who their favourite student was, determining the fate of bullying and merciless teasing John would receive.

John soon found his own friends though. They were all in his classes and all clever too. The first friend he'd made was Amy Pond. Her and John had hit it off the moment they'd actually begun to talk.

With talking to Amy came talking to Rory. Rory followed Amy around everywhere, but she didn't mind. He seemed a lot more timid at first, but his confidence grew with time. John had never expected him to be one of his closet friends by the time they were sixteen years old.

Despite the fact they were seen as the weird kids, they were happy with each other. They were close and that's all they really needed.

It wasn't much of a shock to John when Amy and Rory finally got together in year ten. It had been coming for a long time now. Rory was completely starry-eyed for Amy and as much as she would have denied it before, she was head over heels for him.

It wasn't like John became the third wheel, but he often felt uncomfortable around them when they deserved some private time. They would have shouted at him if he'd ever said that to him because they wouldn't have wished him be alone for the world, but John thought that they deserved some time that was just them without their friend.

Which is why, in year eleven, John began to spend a bit of time alone. He spent most of that time studying for his GCSEs which, although some people in his year might never have known it, were actually quite important to him.

Year eleven was a tough year for John all around at first. He had been put in separate classes to Amy and Rory almost entirely. Rory was in his sciences, but Amy was in a different group because of timetabling. And neither of his friends had the same options as him, which left him alone for a lot of classes.

That didn't mean they didn't hang around at all breaks and lunches, but it caused John to feel lonely a lot of the time.

In the middle of November they had their first practical exam in Science. John wasn't nervous. It was far too easy to be nervous about. The whole class had done test runs and then they simply had to do the predictions and write it up afterwards. It wasn't going to be too hard and John knew that he would most likely get close to full marks for it. Well he was almost certainly hoping for full marks. Science was his strong point, even if the test would be about biology rather than Physics, his favourite.

At the beginning of the lesson, everyone went straight into setting up their practicals with their friends. Rory went to get the equipment as John set it out on the desk, making sure everything was ready very quickly. Their teacher, Mr Wind, gave them a shout for five minutes to get the work ready before they absolutely had to start.

That was when John heard the small cough from behind him. It was barely loud enough for him to hear, but he still turned his head anyway to check who it was.

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