Chapter 2

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"What's wrong Clara?" Olivia asked, sounding annoyed as she nudged her friend. She was playing with her chicken sandwich again and something was clearly on her mind.

Clara huffed her shoulders, picking at her food once more. "Did Axel not want to go out with you?" Louise asked, biting into her own food.

Clara sat up, furrowing her brow in disgust. "How many times do I have to tell you guys that I don't want to go out with Axel. That guy is gross."

She slumped back down, resting her cheeks in her palms on the table.

"Is it a boy though?" Olivia asked suspiciously, waiting to hear the next gossip. Clara stayed focusing on the fly that was crawling up a wall nearby, not bothering to hear their stupid opinions.

"Oh my God, it is!" Louise squealed, jumping up with happiness. "Who is it?"

"Is little Clara finally finding someone she'll spread her legs for?" Olivia laughed, hi-fiving Louise at her "joke."

"Oh, just fuck off you two." Clara groaned, sitting up to stare at them. "Seriously, everything is about sex with you two."

Olivia raised her eyebrows, as if she had been offended. "Just because you want to stay an innocent little vir..."

"Just because I don't want herpes like the two of you, doesn't mean I'm fucking innocent, alright?" Clara scowled, putting her head in her hands once more. Sometimes she wished her friends would just leave her alone. John had been on her mind for three straight days and she couldn't get her mind off him. It didn't help that he hadn't said a word to her during Chemistry, although they sit at opposite ends of the classroom.

Louise over-dramatically "ignored" the comment and carried on taunting Clara. "So...who is he?" She persisted, making Clara groan.

"Just someone in my science, okay?" She grumbled, shaking her head to rid the annoying voices that wouldn't leave her alone, in the form of her "friends."

"Oh." Olivia mumbled disappointingly. "So...a nerd then?" She asked, eyes widening as if it was horrific. Clara could practically hear it, although her head was in her hands.

"He's not a nerd!" Clara argued, sitting up slowly and facing them. "He's just...clever."

Olivia and Louise rolled their eyes. "Nerd." They said at the same time, nodding their heads.

"You and your "Clever" people." Olivia tutted, her tone as if she was finding everything hilarious. "And least find someone decent Clara."

Clara scowled even more as her friends continued to laugh in the background. Her mind allowed itself to wonder back to the thought of John's goofy smile and funny chin.

Clara didn't really think of or talk to John again. Not at least until after Christmas. That was when she was moved into John's English set too. Because of a mix up on the timetables at the beginning of the year, she had been put in second set English for overflow.

It was probably the most annoying thing for Clara as she loved English more than anything. It was the subject she worked the hardest in and to be demoted into a rubbish group like that made her furious. Luckily, the teacher had very quickly realised that she should never have been in that set and insisted they move someone else down. At first nothing had been done, for the same reason Clara suspected she had been moved in the first place. They saw Clara as the girl who "doesn't try" and thought it would be okay to move her. The joke kind of came back on them though when she got the highest mark overall in the whole year for all of her English Language assessments.

She knew a few people in that class from her science, and a few from her maths, but apart from that she felt stuck. That was, until, she saw John at the back of the room. He smiled welcomingly as the teacher looked around for somewhere she could sit.

Clara recognised Rory from where he was, and he was next to a girl with fiery red hair, who it was clear he either very much liked or was going out with.

She barely heard the teacher when she asked the class to move up and told her to sit next to John. "In case you get stuck" was the exact phrase the woman used. Clara immediately wanted to punch her in the face, but she was happy that she got to sit next to someone she liked.

They were on the back row too, which was a bonus for talking. Although, she guessed John would be the type to want to get some work done once in a while, which was much like her.

"Hey." She whispered as she sat down. The teacher had immediately resumed talking, but she could feel the eyes of the girl next to Rory on her.

"Hi." John quickly replied, smiling back comfortingly. She took that as a good sign as she unpacked her things.

The girl beside Rory leaned down the table to extend her hand to Clara. "Amy." She greeted, although it felt cold. "Heard a lot about you from John."

"Oh really?" Clara smiled, amused at how John had just turned a shade of red.

"All good things." Amy smiled. Clara shook her hand happily and shrugged.

"Well, thanks." She smiled, poking John with her pen. "Wish I could say good things about you too, Mister." She giggled to herself and it was clear she was teasing.

John poked her back with his pen, making her chuckled even more. John was instantly captivated by the sound and spent the rest of the lesson laughing with her just to hear it again.

Towards the end of the lesson, Amy turned to Rory and whispered in his ear, "Am I seriously witnessing Clara Oswald flirt with my best friend?"

Rory shrugged, not knowing what to say. All you had to do was look at the pair to know that they were clearly flirting with each other, although both Amy and Rory doubted John even realised he was doing it.

"She'll ruin him." Amy muttered, her hatred for the girl clearly showing.

"Maybe not." Rory murmured back, watching the two once more. They seemed far too naturally happy for anyone to playing it.

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