Chapter 12

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She hadn't been lying when she had told John she would facetime him. But that, she had meant it would be practically every day, or so he quickly found out.

He could tell it was sunny, simply by how gorgeously tanned she got. Her skin was slightly darker than usual, bringing out her brown eyes. And her chocolaty hair turned into five different shades of brown, with blonder highlights seeping out at the top.

It was a pain that she always had to either message him at seven in the morning for him, or eleven at night, because of the huge time difference.

But it meant that she was mostly free and he didn't have to wait up too much for her.

John hadn't realised how much his texts were costing him until Diana showed up at his bedroom door, demanding fifteen quid from him for all the messages he had sent. Better than that, half had been picture messages and they were a fortune.

He'd had to show Diana every picture he had sent in the first week and a half she was there. He was more than grateful that all were rated PG and under, although it was much to the disappointment of David.

"Just use snapchat mate." He teased, laughing at John as he had to give up his money. "Take dirty snaps all you like, and they only last ten seconds or less."

John rolled his eyes at his dirty-minded brother, although he was definitely going to take his advice so that his bill wouldn't be extortionate.

"Angie is nice I guess." Clara grumbled down the phone. It was eleven in the morning for her, and it was another day of lounging around, doing nothing.

"Where are they?" John questioned, not seeing them in the background of the video. She was sat in what he had learnt was the front room, and it shocked him that they weren't there.

"At some movie thing. I don't check up on it."

John furrowed his brow at that, watching as Clara slumped her head down into her knees lazily.

"Aren't you meant to be supervising them at all times?" John asked worriedly, seeing as Clara shrugged her shoulders.

"They said they know the city. And LA isn't too dangerous to be honest. It's all just beach." She grumbled, biting her nails from boredom.

It took everything in John not to laugh out loud at Clara as he faced her seriously. "You do realised that LA is one of the most dangerous places in America. Everyone has guns."

Clara suddenly looked up, ore alert than ever. "You're having me on?" She asked hopefully. John could see the colour practically drain from her face as he shook his head guiltily.

"Shit." She moaned, her head hitting her knees once more. She bit her lip nervously looking back to John who was looking quite unsure of what to do. He was a few too many miles away to really help.

"She's fourteen. That's responsible, right?" She looked hopeful to John, who simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know! I've never met the girl!" John pointed out, seeing as Clara gave him a despairing look.

"Well...She'll be fine!" She looked down to the floor nervously, glancing back up at John once more with an adorable look on her face. "I think."

In honesty, it all made John giggle and they soon both found themselves in fits of laughter.

"So, what are they like?" John questioned, seeing as she rolled her eyes.

"They're fine. Girl is nice, average fourteen year old. She spends half her time talking to boys and probably spends the other half playing Barbie."

She could see John tutting in the background as she carried on, ignoring his disapproval of her childish comment. "And the boy is sweet, but he is only eleven and has already spent way too long ogling over me for my liking."

John chuckled, looking to her seriously. "You do realise that any eleven year old boy would ogle you? And you have basically spent the whole time you are there wearing tank tops or bikinis!" John couldn't really blame the boy. After all, he would have done the exact same thing. Although, he supposed, it was a little different at his age than it would have been if he was eleven.

"Well...!" Clara began, unable to finish her sentence as she started to shrug it off. "Yeah, I guess that didn't help too much." She mumbled, admitting her defeat.

"What was that? Did you just admit that you are wrong?" John teased, making her look up in annoyance.

"Don't get used to it. I'm rarely wrong." She teased back, leaning forward to stick her tongue out at the camera.

"Mature." John teased, laughing as she began to giggle too. He missed that gorgeous laugh way too much, and it had only been a week and a bit since he had said goodbye.

She brought her legs up to hug as she began to rock her body back and forth on the small sofa she was sat on. "What are you doing for the rest of the holiday then?" She asked, watching as John shook his head.

"I'm meant to be going with Amy and Rory to Paris for three days in a week, but I'm not too sure I want to go to the city of love as the third wheel." He grumbled, their moods switching places.

"I wish I could go with you." Clara smiled, thinking about it in her head. To go to the city of love with John, a cliché as it would sounds, was actually something insanely romantic that she really wanted to do.

"I would you could too." He replied, smiling at her as she smiled back.

"I also wish you could be here with me on the beach." She mumbled, giggling as John's eyes widened excitedly.

"I could get a ticket in five seconds online!" He exclaimed, pulling his Ipad out from beside him as he began to search for them.

"No!" Clara cried out all too quickly, making him worry as he slowly put the object down.

"Why not?" He mumbled, wanting to know why she had sounded so urgent that he didn't come out there. After all, hadn't she just said she wanted him there.

"Because..." She stumbled nervously, looking down to her camera. "I may have already asked my Dad and he said that he wanted me to make new friends in America and so it would only make him mad."

John couldn't tell why she was nervous to say that, as it simply made him laugh. "Is that short for, he didn't want us having sex on the beach in the city of Angels?"

Clara began to chuckle lightly and nodded out of reason. "Probably...actually yeah." She smiled, feeling happier from the sound of John's laughter too.

"I miss you." Clara mumbled, sounding completely love-sick.

John nodded. "Yeah, I'm doing fine without you too." He teased, watching as her eyebrows raised once more.

"Oi!" She exclaimed, making them both laugh again. Even thousands of miles apart, they were still able to enjoy each other's company.

At that moment, a door on Clara's end opened and she looked over her shoulder to see two children walking in. She looked over to John nervously, knowing for a fact that she would have to give them a telling off at some point.

"Gotta go." She mumbled to John quickly, not allowing him to say anything. "Love you, bye!" She exclaimed, blowing a quick kiss into the camera before turning off the call.

"Love you too." John mumbled to himself as the screen went blank. He would have to wait way too long to speak to her again.

Somehow, even though he now had a partner, he hadn't quite felt this alone in a long time.

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