Chapter 38

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Super long chapter. Enjoy.

The meeting had been moved up a day early. Not that it was a bad thing, but because Clara didn't want to meet the parents that would bring up her child on the anniversary of her mother's death. It would feel like a kick in the face.

Dave had been the one to organise it this way. They had used a private adoption agency who were linked to social services so that they could pair up the baby with people so she would never go home with Clara or go into foster care. That was the last thing they wanted. This meant that the couple would pick the baby up from the hospital and take her home immediately. Clara had decided it was better that way. She didn't want to change her mind and regret it later.

This also meant that they had been given the opportunity to meet the parents before-hand. John had been rather sceptical about it all, not knowing how Clara would respond, but they had both agreed that it wold be the best thing for the baby.

But now as they walked into the office where they were to meet the couple, they both felt sick to their stomach.

"I'm worried." Clara said quietly to John as they sat down on a sofa, which was situated opposite another like a dinner table.

"About?" John prompted, guessing it would be the same fear as him.

"That they're not nice or not what I want them to be; that I'll spend the rest of my life praying my baby had a good childhood and not a bad one. What if they not good people? Or..."

Clara was cut off by the opening of the door and John grabbed Clara's as a man and woman were directed into the room to sit opposite them. Clara had assumed that the people who ran the agency would stay in the room, but they simply left the for alone to chat. They did have a whole hour, should they need it, but both Clara and John felt like that was pushing it a bit too far.

"Hello." The woman said nervously, extending her hand for Clara to shake. "I'm Emma."

Clara hesitantly shook her hand, trying to smile back as kindly as possible. "Clara."

The couple looked like they were in their early thirties. Not too old, but not the youngest couple. Clara wasn't sure whether she was annoyed or relieved about the fact they seemed very nice.

"John" John extended his arm to the man first.

"Alec. It's nice to meet you." He said cheerily, shaking Clara's hand too as everyone exchanged formalities.

They all stayed quiet for a moment after that, not too sure what to say.

Emma finally spoke up, getting down to business. "I don't know how much you've been told about us..." She trailed off, looking to John and Clara for answers.

"Nothing much actually. In fact, nothing at all." John replied, interested in what they had to say.

"Well..." Alec began, looking to his wife happily. "We work together. I have a very high paying job in the government and Emma used to be my assistant, although she now is a psychologist in law."

Clara's eyes widened at the job descriptions. She dreaded to think just how much money they probably earned.

"Oh, well..." Clara began, trying to get more comfortable and relieve the awkwardness in the room. "We both attend Leadworth High School and we're seventeen. Um..."

She looked to John for help and he gave her a small smile, taking over instinctively. "We both already love this little girl very much, but it just wouldn't be right to keep her. She would have a much better life with people who are prepared for it and want her desperately...But, we do have a few requests if that isn't too rude?"

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