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Never in my life had I worked so hard just to know someone's name.

But all that work was worth it cause after two days I finally know her name.


I couldn't wait to rub it in her face that I finally knew her name but today was a school holiday and I wouldn't see her till tomorrow which didn't sit well with me.

As usual I decided to go for my run at sunset and go to my special mountain to look at the city because I was feeling a little crappy now.

I sat there listening to music and as I looked at some of the scars on my body , each memory replayed reminding me exactly how I had gotten them.

It wasn't something I  could forget about no  matter how hard I tried.

Suddenly my breath sped up and my vision became blurry, I felt my lungs burn and there was a sour taste in my mouth.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked from behind me as I stood up stumbling my way back home.

" I'm fine!" I responded not wanting help from a stranger.

" You don't look fine "

" Then stop looking!" I yelled looking back to see her standing there looking hurt?

I didn't want to see her that way so I just ran back home and locked myself in my room, practicing my breathing because I was that stubborn.

No matter if I was dying I would rather die than ask for help from my parents since my brother wasn't around..

What bothered me though was how badly I snapped at Natasha when she was only trying to help.

Tuesday morning.

I wasn't feeling like going to school today but I did anyway.

I have had my plenty share of anxiety attacks, but I've always been able to handle them but the one I had yesterday did not sit well with me. To make matters worse bloody insomnia decided to pay me a visit so not only am I feeling shitty I also want to sleep so badly.

I don't wear makeup so the dark circles under my eyes were very much visible but I didn't mind I look so hot I can rock eyebags any day.

I spent most of my time in the library and listening to music, I didn't want to be near my crew today since my social battery ran out.

My classes went by agonisingly slow and when it was finally time for us to go home I couldn't wait.

That was until I saw Natasha in the parking lot casually leaning on a truck and typing something on her phone as she started walking away. It crossed my mind that I should probably go and apologise, so swallowing my fat pride I checked if no one was watching since I didn't want to be found talking to a rival gang member since that would put me in a difficult spot.

Seeing no one I ran towards her and chased her.

"Hello Natasha, you look beautiful today." I spoke walking next to her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "What do you want?"

" Your number."

" Fuck off."

" Feisty, nice. Anyways I'm serious I really need to talk to you."

She stood looking at me as if she was trying to figure something out.

" No"

"If I could find your name so easily then I can definitely find your number." I said shoving my hands in my pockets.

"You're really full of yourself aren't you?"

" Not full of myself, just confident." I shrugged.

"Fine but that doesn't mean I'll talk to you." She said rolling her eyes.

" Thank you." I said after she gave it to me as I watched her walk away I jumped up and down excited that I finally got her number as I ran to my car.

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