nah bruh

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I woke up joyous that morning because I was going to see Jerah. I had spent the whole day of yesterday with Natasha dragging me in the supermarket urging me to bring something nice for Jerah this time around when I go and see him.

We bought the whole store and wrapped it up in a  food basket which was filled with enough sugar to knock a kid's lights out than actual food.

Marina also prepared my mom's and Jerah's favourite foods. I still hadn't built up the courage to see my mother because everything if hers I gave to her nurse and asked her to give it to her for me.

What puzzled me the most was that the nonsense shit we called our father still hadn't come by to check on them, although I didn't expect him to care because well he never wanted us in the first place.

I walked around the hospital feeling a little happy but when I opened Jerah's ward I found him sitting in the dark with his eyes full of tears.

"Jerah what's wrong?" I asked him as I rushed towards his side putting the good basket down.

"Nothing just got a cold" he said wiping his tears.

I grabbed the hand he was using to wipe his tears" don't give me that bull." I said not having nom of it

I was protective when it came to people close to me especially my brother.

I was like a lioness when it came to him and I didn't give a damn that he was the older one when he was hurt I would tear the world apart.

"I feel so defeated because we worked so hard to get accepted into this competition for all these years and when we finally did, I can't go with you guys to celebrate because I can't even walk. It just feels so unfair and I was trying to be strong for you but it's so hard when I wanted to do this with you and dancing is our lives now I just feel like I've let everyone down." He vented and j felt myself feel sad because he blamed himself and saw himself as a disappoinment when he was not and I was actually glad he was alive and not being able to dance is a huge blow especially because dance was our oxygen and the only thing we bonded through without limitation.

"Don't say that. You're actually a hero in my eyes and I'm glad you fought for you life. You are going to walk again and that part I deeply believe and we can just go to this competition next year there's no harm done." I said doing my best to comfort him.

"But it will be too late by then and I really want you guys to go." He said.

"Not without you" Marcia said as the door opened to reveal everyone at the all nodded in unison.

"See we aren't going anywhere without you." I said trying to convince him to not do this.

"I know you guys have good intentions but I don't want to hold you all back so that's why I'm stepping down as the leader." He spoke and we all shouted what!

"Nah Jerah that's not even an option you are not doing that." Tory said.

"You are our leader no matter what." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry guys but as soon as I get discharged I'll come and see you guys perform but for now I can't be your leader."

"This is bull, then who's going to lead us?" Zain asked

"Amara." He said and I choked on water.

"What the no no no no no ." I cannot do that." I immediately started to decline.

"Don't make us beg you, you are the leader end of story. So how are you doing Jerah?" Amber said not giving a toot that I just disagreed and they a continued like I didn't say anything so knowing better I decided not to push the subject further.

So I guess I'm the new temporary leader of banging beatz.

Just great 😐

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