Chapter 6

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"Dad we're home!" Asahi shouted when he let us come inside. We saw Mr. Hamada went out in his office.

"Oh good you're all home. How about you prepare for dinner? Helia, I already told your parents you'll join us for dinner if you want."

I nodded eagerly, I don't want to go home after yet. I've enjoyed their company, especially Haruto...

"Jihoon and I'll cook." Hyunsuk said and they all went to the kitchen.

Mr. Hamada led me inside his office, "how are you today? Feel any headache or any pain?" I shook my head,  so far I didn't feel anything yet and I hope I won't ever.

"I'm fine, nothing out of the ordinary. "

He nodded and looked at the paper he was holding. "Your last doctor stated that you're illness has already gotten worse... but I still have to monitor you, and for now we'll try radiation therapy or radiosurgery."

I didn't say anything, I already knew all of these and some of them I already tried.

He began some normal tests and I did my best to follow it all. We're finally done and I let out a tired sigh.

"Alright, I guess you're done for today. I know you're hungry so why not check out what the boys are doing. I'll join you all after I studied today's diagnosis."

I went to the kitchen and the smell of food made my stomach grumbled, I was expecting the kitchen to be a disaster but I was surprised as food was already prepared and they are all sitted talking to each other.

Haruto saw me and motioned for me to sit.

There are two available seats, one beside Haruto and one beside Asahi.

If I would choose, I would go sit beside Asahi without any much thoughts, but Mr. Hamada would be joining us and I know he would sit beside his son.

I slowly sat beside Haruto who gave me a grin, I saw Asahi in my peripheral vision and his eyebrows are furrowed.

Haruto kept me entertained and finally, Mr. Hamada sat with us and we started eating.

"As usual Hyunsuk and Jihoon, you're cooking was delicious." He complimented the two and they bowed in shyness.

"How about you Helia? Is the food okay for you?" Jihoon asked me and they all waited for my answer.

"It's good! I felt like I was eating in a restaurant." I said with a proud grin, Jihoon gave me a wink and we all laughed.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?" I asked them as I grabbed another bite of my food.

"Yep, we're going to school with you tomorrow." Doyoung said and I thought of Aeri who's going to be so happy tomorrow.

"So... Doyoung and Haruto are the same year as me and Hyunsuk, Jihoon and Asahi are a year older." I repeated what they told me and I slowly absorbed the information.

I suddenly slapped Haruto's arm and he looked at me with wide eyes as I caught him off guard.

"Hey! Why did you do that for?" He said in a high pitched voice.

"Why call me noona when we're in the same year?! I felt so old!" I said complaining to him and I can hear the others snickered .

"When is your birthday?" I looked at him in confusion.

"February? But what does it have to do with anyth--" he stopped me smirking, "my birthday is in April, technically you're still older than me."

I gasped and slapped him again but this time he laughed loudly.

"Not funny smartypants!"

We talked some more until it's time for me to go home.

"Come on let me take you home." Asahi said pushing me to the door gently, "but I live next door, you don't have to do that."

He clicked his tongue, "best friend duties." I rolled my eyes, "you're taking this too seriously."

We stopped in front of my house, "well good night and see you tomorrow." He said and was about to go back when I grabbed his shirt.

"Thank you for today, I had a memorable first day." I said giving him a small smile, he stared at me for a few minutes before nodding and walked away.

I greeted my parents and washed up before sleeping with a smile on my face.


I woke up panting heavily and my eyes a bit blurry.

I tried standing up but I fell on the floor with a loud thud.

My mom went inside my room alarmed by the sound, "Lia?! Oh my gosh baby what happened?" Mom asked me and helped me get up.

"Massive... headache..." I managed to say and sat back down my bed closing my eyes hard.

"Do you want me to call Dr. Hamada?" She asked me worriedly and I knew she's already panicking.

"It's alright mom, I'll just take some painkiller... I need to get ready for school." I was about to stand up again but mom pushed me back down.

"No you will not go to school like that Lia. Not until you're well."

I groaned, this is the first time I'll get to join the guys to school, Hyunsuk told me the others will join us too.

Mom gave me my medication and I patiently waited for it to kick in my system.

Thankfully, the headache stopped and I checked the time and saw that I can still make it.

I rushed to change into my uniform and run to the stairs, I heard the door opened and mom spoke. "Good morning Asahi, I'm afraid Lia won't --"

"I'm here!" I said a bit loudly and gave them all a grin.

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