Chapter 15

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"We're all in the car and Asahi kept ignoring me as I bugged him about his partner.

"Why do you keep asking about her? We're not that close so we agreee to just meet at the venue." He said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

I guess I'm being annoying right now, so I stopped talking to him and just looked by the window as the night started and the city lights appeared.

The familiar flash reflected by the window and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

I thought he's irritated at me?

"Sorry, you just looked so pretty looking outside that I have to take a picture..." he said shyly bracing for a snide remark.

"Can I see your camera? I'm afraid ny picture is the only one ugly in there." I said with a pout.

He contemplated for a bit before handing me the camera.

I inspected it first and noticed it doesn't have any scratches and looks like it's still new.

"When did you start taking pictures?"

"Just a few months before, I just wanted a new hobby besides painting and performing, so I bought it." He said, watching my every move.

I checked the gallery and saw he took a lot of sceneries, mostly the field.

"For starter, you're so good." I praised him and saw pictures of the other boys too. "I didn't know you have this aesthetic side."

He lay his head on my shoulder looking at the pictures too.

I stiffened at his movement, he's too close to me yet he's too casual about it.

I fake a laugh and gave him back at the camera. "Oh look, we're here already." I said and he sat up straight to my relief.

I have to fan myself a few times to stop myself from blushing.

He was the first one to go out and then he offered his hand for me, there are a lot of camera flashes at the entrance.

I stick close to Aeri incase Asahi's partner is already there.

We went inside and saw the other guys, Haruto saw me and motioned for me to stand beside him.

"Wow... you're so beautiful Helia." He said and I can see his ears turn red.

"And you're very handsome Mr. Watanabe." I said, giving him a playful bow.

All the guys complimented me and my dress, when suddenly Jihoon put me in between Haruto and Asahi.

"You guys..  why does it looked like you three matched your outfits?" He asked in confusion and everyone looked at us.

Hyunsuk cocked his head to the side, Haruto's wearing a white coat with a blue tie, while Asahi and I are wearing blue dress and coat with hints of white.

"We bought our clothes at the same shop, of course Helia and Haruto would match their outfits, they're partners." Asahi explained in his monotone voice.

The guys shrugged and started taking pictures together.

Haruto stared at me that I have to look away shyly, then he looked at Asahi.

"Hyung, can you take a photo of us in your camera?" Asahi's eyebrows furrowed but nodded silently.

Haruto offered his arm and I grabbed it with a small smile.

We looked at each other shyly and Asahi took a picture. "Hey we're not ready yet." I complained so he took a picture again, this time with us looking at the camera.

"Thank you!" Haruto said and they both seemed to talk silently so I let them be.

I looked around and saw Jeongwoo beside the stage, they seemed to be rehearsing. They prepared one song to perform on stage later.

"Alright everyone! Before we see the performance of Treasure, I'll announce first who won for the prince and princess of the dance!"

Everybody cheered, I'm so excited because I know it will be one of the boys who will definitely win.

"For the girls... the princess of the night is Park Eunji!"

Everyone clapped and I saw Eunji went towards the stage, I can see she's still shocked that they picked her.

She's actually very pretty, she has a long black hair and sparkly eyes, she's not wearing her glasses but I guess she's using contacts.

The mc gave her a tiara and a bouquet of flowers.

"Okay, for the boys... I guess everyone already expected this. Watanabe Haruto!"

The boys flocked around him, and he laughed as they lead him to the stage like bodyguards.

"The princess and prince will have their dance at the end of the program. Let's dance people!"

Everybody started dancing and Haruto went to me.

"I told you I'll be the most handsome partner at the dance." He said handing me the bouquet he received.

I grinned at him, "congratulations then."

And we started dancing, I followed what Asahi and I practiced and thankfully I didn't messed up.

Haruto and I talked and laughed but my attention was on Asahi and the girl he's dancing with.

She was very pretty too...

She looked embarrased as she kept stepping on him but he just smiled and started teaching her how to dance just like how he taught me.

I felt something in me that is bad and I can't figure out what it was yet.

"Helia did you get that?" Haruto asked me that took off my attention from them.

"I'm sorry what?"

He let out a sigh as he looked to where I was looking awhile ago.

"I said I'm going to say something after the dance."

"Why not now?"

He shrugged and smile softly, "it's something  important."

Then the song changed so is our partners and Junkyu replaced Haruto. "Did I told you that you're pretty."

I laughed softly, "you guys already told me awhile ago."

"Well I'm telling you again now, Haruto's lucky to have you." I just smiled.

I danced with the other boys as well until with Asahi.

"I can see you're already a good dancer." He said that I rolled my eyes. "Learned from the best." And we laughed.

I realized that I felt contentment dancing with him and I saw his partner dancing with someone else.

I almost gasped at the thought...

Jealousy, I felt jealous.


Happy 2nd Anniversary to Treasure!💙


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