Chapter 10

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Wait, is he going to ask me to be his partner?

"Sure what is it?" I asked nervously. It never crossed my mind that Haruto would ask me to be his partner.

"Would you want--"

He was cut off by a girl walking towards him, "Haruto! Can you be my partner?" She asked so bluntly that made Doyoung, Yedam and even Aeri snickered.

Who is this girl?

I looked at Haruto in confusion and the girl noticed me, she faced me with a smile on her face.

"You must be Helia, Hi I'm Eunji!" She's cheerful...

I was about to say hello but Haruto faced me, "Can you be my partner Helia?"

Silence filled our group and I can see Eunji's smiled faltered. I looked at the two of them a few times and I guess Haruto noticed that I was feeling pressured.

"It's okay, you can answer me later after school. I can wait." He said gently.

"W-well I guess you already have a partner... I can just ask someone else." Eunji said lowly and I can feel she's trying not to cry in front of us.

I felt bad for her.

She left our room and I looked at Haruto with a raised eyebrow. "What the heck was that Haruto?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "she's a fan of our group and I guess she has a crush on me. I tried to tell her that I don't like her that way but she never gives up."

I guess he doesn't want to give her false hope by being friendly to her, but I think it's a little harsh to ask someone else in front of her.

"She looks friendly to me, even if you don't like her like that. At least try to be nice and gentle to her." I said and he nodded with a small smile.

"Okay, if that's what you want."

That made me blush again, why am I blushing? Do I have a crush on him too?

"I'll be waiting for your answer later okay?" He said as the teacher started the lesson.

Lunch came and Aeri decided to join me with the boys to the cafeteria, I saw Asahi and my face brightens as he walked to me.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully and he ruffled my hair as we sat at the table.

We all started eating and the guys started talking about the dance. I looked at Asahi as he kept giving me glances.

"Uh, Helia can you be my--"

"Asahi you should have saw what happened awhile ago." Doyoung said a bit loudly and all the other guys listened curiously.

Haruto let out a dramatic sigh and rolled his eyes.

So Doyoung told everyone what happened, "seriously I felt bad for Eunji." Yoshi said looking down at his food.

"Aren't you going to do anything about her Haruto?" Hyunsuk asked, "don't worry about it, I asked her to the dance." Yedam said and high fived Mashiho who's sitting beside him.

"Oh, and Haruto asked Helia to be his partner at the dance." Doyoung continued and my eyes widened, I quickly turned to Asahi who's mood changed.

Is he mad that Haruto asked me?

Oh wait, he was about to ask something. "What are you going to ask Asahi?"

He shook his head, he lets out a smile but I think it's forced. "Nothing, anyway the dance will be a great night. I'm sure you'll enjoy. Besides, Haruto is a great dancer."

I stared at him a bit longer to observe him before nodding.

I guess Haruto will be my partner then, it's a good thing too, besides Asahi I'm close with him. I also felt a bit attracted to him... I noticed that I always blush whenever he jokes with me and I enjoy his company more than the others except Asahi of course.

"I didn't know Haruto and Helia are a thing?" Jihoon said and I exchanged glances with Haruto and I can't help but smile a bit in embarrassment.

"Stop it Hyung!" Haruto said while the guys teased him.

Lunch and afternoon classes ended quickly and Haruto went to my seat while I fix my things.

"So... will you be my partner or are you going to reject me?" He asked nervously.

"Sure, I'll be your partner " I said shyly, I was surprised when he poke my cheek, "you're so cute when you blush you know that?"

I don't know my face can turn redder than before.

"I'm not!"

He laughed loudly, "stop it or I won't be your partner anymore." I joked but that did the trick, he behaved like a child being told that he won't get to eat sweets if he don't behave.

I smiled at the thought then all of a sudden he grabbed my hand.

"W-what are you doing?"

He gave me a sincere smile, "seriously Helia, I'm glad you're my partner."

He needs to stop being romantic or I'll fall for him.

"Of course, who would reject the Haruto right?" I joked again trying to lighten the mood and it seems to do it as he dropped my hand and rolled his eyes.

He waited for me to finish and we all head outside to go home.

Asahi was waiting outside as usual and I immediately stood by his side unconsciously.

"So do you have a partner already?" I asked him and he nodded. "I asked my seatmate awhile ago and she's cool with it."

We all head inside the van and I faced Asahi, "before I forgot, tomorrow is a free day because they'll be decorating the school for the dance. Can you accompany me to look for a dress? Aeri's going with her mom."

I was hoping he would say yes, I really need someone to go with me.

"But we have practice tomorrow." Jeongwoo said and that crushed the hope in me.

Asahi just shrugged, "we can go to the mall earlier than that, then she and I can join you there after."

I'll get to watch them practice? Why do I feel more excited to go there than find a dress?

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