Chapter 13

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"I'm bored..." Aeri muttered while we put decorations on the stage for the dance.

The guys aren't here because they need to practice for their performance at a festival.

"Maybe you're just missing someone." I teased her and she threw some confettis in my direction so I laughed while dodging it.

"How about you? Did you not miss Haruto?"

That got me to stop laughing, "I--"

I don't know how to answer that, I pondered about it last night whether I like him or not.

"Hey! What is that look? Is there a problem? Did you two fought?" She asked me questions after questions that I don't know what to answer. I've been debating if I should open up to her, I've never done that to anyone except my mom.

Aeri saw my hesitation so she gave me a soft smile and held my hand.

"I know we just met recently and I look like I have a loud mouth but trust me, I know how to listen to someone if you needed an ear."

That made my heart melt, I hugged her hard and she chuckled, "okay okay, stop this lovefest already." She said and I broke our hug.

"As embarrassing as it sounds, I'm confused if I really like Haruto or I'm just attracted to him." I said looking at my hands, I'm scared to hear her thoughts about this.

"Well you just met not long ago, so I guess it's fine that you're confused right now." She said but I let out a frustrated sigh.

"But it's a bit unfair for him. He clearly acts like he likes me and I don't want to lead him on if that was true.".

She thinks for awhile as she analyze something.

"How about... Asahi?" At the mention of his name, my eyebrows furrowed. I looked at her, how did Asahi get into this?

She gave me a smirk, "oh please, don't tell me you don't feel anything for him. As much as I knew you and Haruto are a thing... when you're with Asahi you just smiled unconsciously. Like seeing him brightens your day."

"Of course I am, he's the very first friend I have here. He's my best friend." I said too quickly making it sounds like I'm defensive.

She clicked her tongue, "tell me with full honesty that you don't see Asahi in a romantic way."

I didn't say anything.

The very first time we've met, I really saw Asahi as an attractive guy. He's been very kind to me and he's very sweet.

"How would I know if I like him?" I finally asked and she seemed to think again.

"The question is, who do you like more. Haruto or Asahi?" I pouted, when did it became this complicated?

"Don't worry, maybe you'll know at the dance. If who will make your heartbeat faster when you dance. " she said cheering me up but that doesn't help me with all the confusion.

After decorating the stage, we were told to go home already so I went to get my stuff when I received a text from Asahi.

"Is that from Haruto?" Aeri guessed but I shook my head.

"It's from Asahi." I said shortly before waving at her goodbye. Asahi texted me, he wanted to meet up with him by the field.

I saw him laying on the grass looking at the sky.

"Why are you here? Aren't you busy practicing" I asked him before sitting down. He shrugged, "we are, I'm just taking a break here for awhile. I'll be back later."

"Why did you call me here then? I don't want to disturb your rest." I said as I slapped his arm softly.

I knew he was so tired because he didn't even complain nor teased me.

"I'm not used to going here by myself ever since I met you. It feels lonely now." I looked at the sky without saying anything to him.

Here he goes again with those words.

He really know how to make my heart beats fast.

"What did you do today?" He asked, so I told him that we've done decorating the gym for tomorrow's dance.

"Do you like attending dances? You must be popular with the girls" I teased him but he only looked at me with a pokerface.

"I only attend because we perform on stage but after that, I mostly sit by the table declining every time someone asks."

That made me laugh, "you really are an introvert Asahi."

"How about you? Do you dance?"

That caught me off guard, why does he sound so serious?

I shook my head, "I've always been the new girl so no one really asks me to." I said looking down on my hands.

Apparently being the new girl who's not one of the popular is branded out as the weird girl and nobody would risk to ask for a dance.

He laid out his hand in front of me as he stood up.

I silently asked him with a raised eyebrow, "come on let's dance. Do you even know how to?"

I held his hand and stood up before saying no.

"I have two left feet as my dad says, because I always step on his foot." I said with a chuckle as I recall the memory of my dad dancing with me.

"Better practice then, or you'll step on Haruto's feet and the other guys."

That earned him a slap again, "okay, you do know where to put your hands right?" He asked as he led my hands to his shoulders and his hands on my waist.

I almost stopped breathing right there.

He looked at me straight in the eyes, "then started moving your feet in a rhythm and count."

And that's how we ended up dancing under the sunset.


Treasure in Thailand today! Hope they enjoy together with Thai Teumes💖

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