Chapter 14

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"So you already danced at the field?!" Aeri shouted and I flinched as she almost poke my eye with the makeup brush.

It's already the night of the dance and Aeri went to my house so we can do each other's hair and makeup.

I told her what happened yesterday, although after teaching me to dance he immediately went back and I have to go for my checkup.

"He taught me to dance, that's it." I said looking at the makeups laid in front of me.

"Still, that was so romantic... much more with the sunset as your background." She said with a dreamy sigh.

"You know, I don't get why we have to do all this preparations. It's just a dance." I said trying to change the subject.

She brushed my nose that I almost sneezed.

"Of course, it's important to look good in front of your partner and who knows, maybe your crush would ask you out." She said wiggling her eyebrows and I let out a sigh.

"There, you're done." She said stepping back to have a good look on me.

"You're really pretty you know that? Haruto should be proud to have you as a partner."

I looked at my reflection on the mirror, makeup really does its work.

"Well you don't see me wear this much makeup." I joked, I stood up from the chair for her to sit on.

"Come on, your turn. What do you want to do with your hair?"

She wanted to curl her hair so I did while she does her own makeup.

"So how did you and Doyoung became close?" I asked her and that made her smile, "We're childhood best friends, our parents knew each other since college."

She was already friends with him before he became an idol.

"When did you start having feelings for him?"

She looked at the mirror and blinked a few times.

"I don't really remember... but I do know he's someone very special to me and I always want him around."

Well I feel the same way to Asahi, but maybe I'm just really comfortable around him.

"If you're going to ask if I confessed, I didn't. I don't want to risk our friendship... and his idol image." She muttered with a bittersmile.

I don't know how to react to that, I don't want to feel sorry for her. But having a crush to someone you're always with is torture.

"I thought he knew... the way he always flirt with you."

She shook her head laughing, "he's just like that, he's flirty with me and to his fans "

"And you're okay with that?!" I asked her and she shrugged, "I'm already used to it."

She stood up and pushed me towards the bathroom, "go change in to your dress there, I'll do it here in your room."

I excitedly changed in my dress and I looked at the mirror.

Wow, I didn't know the dress could get more prettier.

I went out and gasped when I saw Aeri.

"You're very beautiful." We both said and laughed, "we're both pretty." She said giving me a hug.

"Come on, I bet mom's getting impatient to take pictures of us already." I said leading her out of the room.

Just as I guessed, mom is waiting at the living room with a camera on hand.

"Oh my, Lia... you girls are so pretty tonight!" She said in delight and Aeri smiled proudly.

"I did a good job on prepping her Mrs Kim."

Mom ushered us by the wall and made us do a lot of poses.

"Pose with Helia Mr and Mrs Kim." Aeri said, grabbing the camera from mom. I smiled as I am between my parents , I feel so happy that I get to experience this...

"My Lia's not a child anymore." Dad said giving me a hug, "don't cry dad" I joked and we all laughed.

The doorbell rang and mom looked at me, "that must be your partners." Mom said, "I'll get it." I said and started fixing myself before heading to the door.

I was surprised when a flash almost blinded my eyes as I opened it.

"That was nice." Asahi commented looking at his camera and I raised my eyebrow, "why took a picture of me opening the door? Couldn't you wait to do it inside?"

He shrugged, "stolen pictures are more beautiful."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm pretty sure I looked horrible."

"I must say, that was an epic shot." Doyoung butt in with a grin, "come on in you guys." I said smiling sarcastically at them.

"Oh my! Such handsome young men." Mom said and dad let out a playful sigh.

"Come on, let's take your picture kids." He said ushering us back and Asahi looked at me shyly.

"You're very pretty tonight Helia... I mean not just tonight but you know what I mean."

"You're not so bad yourself." I said with a small smile and he offered his arm which I gladly took.

Mom was about to take our picture when she noticed something.

"Oh? You two are wearing the same design... I thought Haruto's your partner?"

Oh yea... speaking of him, "where is he?" I asked the two. "He had a problem with his suit so he told us to tell you that he'll see you at the venue."

I nodded in understanding and faced mom who is still confused.

"We both bought our clothes at the same shop and we thought there'll be a discount for it." I explained and Asahi handed his camera to dad so we can take pictures with it as well.

We've took a couple of pictures from individual to group shots and my face is starting to get tired from all the smiling.

"Okay, that's enough mom and dad. We have to go now." I said pushing my friends towards the door but stopped when I remembered something.

"Hey, how come you're not with your partner?" I asked Asahi, he didn't say anything to that and grabbed my hand.

"Let's go now princess."

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