Chapter 8

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I groaned as I woke up with another headache, seriously when will this stop?

I sat up and saw Asahi sitted beside the door, looks like I'm at the clinic. He has his head  in his hands. "Uh, what happened?" I asked my voice kinda raspy, his eyes found mine and in a second he was hugging me.

I don't know if I should hug him back or not, so I just tapped his back awkwardly.

"You scared me, I knew you aren't feeling well. Your mom freaking told me to watch over you." He said like he's going to cry and I kind if felt bad for him, he must be so scared.

"I'm fine Asahi... that's just one of those times my illness kicks in... it won't happe  again soon."

He let go of me, "that's not okay, the guys-- they were scared too. I-I told them to watch over you, but they can't even--"

I stopped him with a glare, "are you telling me that you're blaming them?"

He didn't say anything.

"It's not their fault okay? I tried to pretend that I'm fine, but suddenly I just blacked out."

He looked at me with a pout, and my anger vanished just like that, "did someone told my mother?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

"I called my dad and I think he went to inform your mom..."

Yep, I'll get an earful later.

"Can I go to class now? I'll just take my medicince and I'll be okay again just until I finish the day." I said quickly, expecting him to object.

"Class is finished awhile ago... you slept through lunch and the afternoon class." He said softly and I mentally facepalmed myself.

Well that was embarrassing.

I began to stand up and grabbed my bag which was beside my bed.

"Let's go, I want to go to our secret place first." I said and he quietly grabbed my bag from me and lead me outside as I still can't walk properly because of the headache.

My mouth formed an 'o' when I saw everyone including Aeri waiting at the hallway.

Aeri cried and almost knocked Asahi away as she hugged me.

"Now why didn't you tell me you're sick?! I was so scared when I saw you fainted!" She cried harder and I got guilty for keeping it from her.

I pat her back as she calmed down, Doyoung and Yedam walked to me with their head hung low.

"We're sorry...we didn't noticed you were feeling sick. If we did, we could've brought you to the clinic faster." Doyoung said.

"We were frozen at our spot, good thing Haruto catched you before you fall on the ground. He quickly rushed you here."

As Yedam said that, my eyes immediately searched for Haruto.

I saw him standing a bit far from us and he's  avoiding looking at me.

I let out a sad sigh, "no guys, you don't have to say sorry at all. It's my fault in the first place for scaring you all like that."

I never gotten so guilty like this my whole life, just because of my selfish side wanted to hang out with them.

"It's the first time I have friends like you guys...  and as much as possible, I don't want to burden you with my illness. I would understand if you don't want to hang out with me anymore. I'm sorry..."

No one said a word after everything I said.

Well I guess I'll go back to being alone then, who wanted to hangout with sick old me anyway.

"Don't you dare to say that Helia, I'm sorry but you're stuck with this group your whole life." Jihoon said and the guys agreed.

"We're all here for you okay?" Hyunsuk said and I gave them all a grateful smile.

"Group hug!" Junkyu shouted and I giggled as we all hugged each other.

"Okay enough of that, Helia needs to go see my father, she is still not feeling well." Asahi said breaking the hug, "you guys go ahead, we'll just go to the field first."

As he said that, we all parted ways including Aeri.

We reached the field and I pouted when I looked at the sky, "we missed the sunset." I said sadly. It was supposed to be our thing before the day ends...

He lets out a chuckle, "we've been seeing sunsets for the past days, aren't you tired of it already?"

I shook my head, I don't think I would get ever tired of it.

"Sunsets are never the same, I don't know why but they're unique every single day." I explained to him and we just stared at the sky full of stars for a bit.

"You know what my name stands for?" I asked him out of the blue and he shook his head.

"My mom loves Greece, her and dad knew she was pregnant the moment they are watching the sunset there. Helia means shining sunset or a ray of sunlight."

He stared at me and suddenly tucks my hair behind my ear and smiled softly.

"You're a beautiful sunset yourself."

I blushed at that and told him that we should head to his house already. I'm sure Dr. Hamada is already waiting.

When I got to his office, I was slightly scolded by him, "fainting from your headache is pretty dangerous Helia. You could've gone into coma."

I didn't say anything as I know what I did was wrong.

"We'll do radiation therapy now to reduce your headaches, hopefully it would cure your tumor."

So we went to his lab where all the equipments and machines are.

After our session, I didn't have time to say goodbye to Asahi as I rushed to my house getting anxious to face my angry parents.

I opened the door and saw that they are waiting for me.

"I'm so--"

I was cut off by their hug, "my baby." Mom whispered and I know she's been so worried.

"I'm so sorry." was all I said, they broke the hug and led me to the dining table, "come on, are you hungry?" Dad asked as if I was a little kid.


A bit dramatic chapter... lots of hugs for Helia🥺💖

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