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Kie's POV:

I was in survival mode. I got up, went to work, came home, and went to bed. This went on for about a week. I was so miserable. I missed JJ so much. Today was a Thursday and I didn't go into work. I didn't care anymore. I didn't call in. I just stayed in bed all day long. I didn't eat all day. I also skipped work the next day. I ignored all the calls and texts. Suddenly, there was pounding on the door.

I got up to open it and it was Chad. He was one of the guys who worked at JJ's surf shop. He was a college student and he said, "Hey, Kiara"

"Hi" I said not wanting to talk

"I'm sorry to hear that JJ left you but I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you in any way that you might need. If you know what I mean"

"Fuck off!" Screamed at I slammed the door in his face

I went back upstairs and laid in my bed. I was in a pair of joggers that were JJ's and one of his sweatshirts. It was ninety degrees outside. I got in my car and I drove to work. I packed up my stuff and it was only a little bit of things. I quit my job. My big fancy job and later that night I called a realtor and I was selling my house.

I called John B and I was a mess. I was crying and I told him, "I can't do this anymore. I quit my job and I'm selling my house. I hate California. Will you please come and help me move back home?"

"Of course, I will. I'll get on the first plane I can" He said and we talked for another hour

I began packing up the house. I grabbed some random boxes we had and began packing everything in the kitchen. I slowly made my way around the house packing.

It got late and I went to bed. The next day was the same, I packed more and John B was arriving today. I went to the airport to pick him up from the airport and he came back and saw I had most of the house packed. We went and got a trailer for all the big stuff like the bed, dressers, etc. We loaded all the big furniture up and I loaded my car with as much as I could. Somehow, we got it all to fit. John B was going to drive JJ's truck and I was driving my jeep.

We were laying in the living room on my comforter on the floor. We each had a blanket and a pillow.

"You know, this is where JJ and I spent the first night in this house" I said thinking back to that night

John B laughed and said, "I will not be engaging in anything that happened that night"

He made me laugh and he asked, "Honestly, how are you doing?"

"I feel numb. I honestly just don't care about anything anymore except for JJ. I can't stop thinking about what I could have done wrong or why he would have left me. I wonder why after eight years he never proposed to me. We talked about it on the surf trip, so much that we almost got married in Jamacia. After seeing your little girl, I wish JJ and I would have had kids by now. At least one baby so maybe he would have stuck around or at least he wouldn't have left me alone" I replied putting my hands on my stomach wishing there was a little baby growing inisde of me that wsa half me and halfJJ

John B hugged me and I was laying on his shoulder/chest. He said, "He didn't leave you alone, I promise that you will always have me and Sarah and you'll Pope and Cleo. He's a fucking idiot for leaving you. I don't know how you're feeling but personally, I don't think I can ever forgive him for this"

I laughed and said, "You know if he walked in the door right now, I would want to run up to him and kiss him and just stay in his arms forever. I would also want to walk up to him, punch him, tell him to fuck off and never speak to him again"

John B chuckeled and replied, "You can kiss him and I'll punch him"

"Deal" I said as I fell asleep next to my best friend

We woke up early and John B got in JJ's truck and he left and headed back to OBX. We wuld meet at a hotel later tonight.I walked through the house one last time. Having flashbacks to every memory with JJ here. I left the house and as I was heading out of town, I stopped at JJ's Surf Shack. I said goodbye to everyone there. Thankfully, Chase wasn't there. They promised to contact me if they heard from JJ. I was still the owner for now and would be overseeing things from OBX. I went into the office and all his personal belongings were gone. Then I saw his stupid surfboard.

I grabbed the board and I put it on the roof of my car with my board. I got in my white jeep and began the long journey home. John B and I met at a hotel to spend the night and we continued driving home. Four days later, I was pulling up to my parent's house. John B arrived a few minutes after me.

It was late and he got out of the truck and he took the trailer off. We loaded the stuff into my parent's garage. It took about an hour and it was around 11 pm. We took everything out of the front seat of the truck and put that in the garage too. We drove the trailer to one of those places to turn it back in and dropped it off so we didn't get charged for another day. John B then drove to the chateau and dropped himself off. He grabbed his bag and went inside after he hugged me. I got in the driver's seat and drove home to my parent's house and went to bed.

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