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Kie's POV:

We were in Jamaica and it was the night before my wedding. I couldn't sleep so I walked out to the beach and Logan was sitting there. He was the guy at met after JJ left me.

He told me his story over the past few years. He ended up loving it here so much that when the resort went up for sale he bought it and he now run the place. 

Suddenly, JJ appeared and he asked, "What's going on here?"

"You must be JJ, the fiancé" Logan said

"Yeah, who the hell are you?"

"I'm Logan, an old friend of Kiara's"

"You can go now" I said dismissing him as I sat next to Kie

"So that's the boy who wanted you to travel the world with him?"

"Yeah" I said in a whisper

"Damn, what's he doing here?"

"He loved it here so he bought the resort and runs it now"

"So you didn't change your mind and you aren't going to leave me at the altar tomorrow?"

"Jayge, I never had feelings for Logan. He kissed me and I told him I wasn't capable of loving him because I was still in love with you"

"Really? You didn't even consider traveling with him? Or dating anyone else? Did you hook up with anyone else? It changes nothing no matter what you say. I just want to know"

"Yeah, I considered going with Logan but part of me knew you'd come back. You're the only one I'd travel the world with. I never thought about dating and I never hooked up with anyone else. Logan kissing me once and that was it. Honest."

"I believe you, thank you for waiting for me. I can't wait to marry you tomorrow" He said kissing me

"You know there is some rule that we aren't supposed to be together the night before our wedding"

"Screw the damn rules. Don't tell my wife that I'm spending my bachelor party night with my girlfriend" JJ said smirking as he kissed me

I kissed him back and we were making out. I stopped him and said, "We can't do this on the beach. The sand is going to hurt and get places it shouldn't be"

JJ picked me up and carried me to the pool area where the was a cabana with an outdoor bed underneath it that swung. He laid me down and I said, "We could get caught"

"Exactly" He said kissing me and getting right to work

JJ and I got dressed and spent the night there. We woke up early and snuck back into our rooms and then the wedding stuff began.

"So where'd you sneak off to last night?" Cleo asked

"I went to see my boyfriend" I said

"You would"

"We aren't traditional people. I love you guys but it was special spending the night with JJ"

We all got ready and it was a super casual wedding. I was all ready and so were the kids.

"Mommy pretty!" Ella said seeing me in my wedding dress

"Thank you, Ella. You look beautiful" I said to my daughter

We were about to do the first look and Sarah was our photographer. I had a cute idea to let Ella do it too. She went first and she pulled on his pant leg in her cute flower girl dress. JJ turned around and the look on his face was priceless.

He got down to her level and he said, "You look beautiful, Ella"

"Princess Ella" Ella said

JJ hugged her and Sarah took a bunch of pictures and then it was my turn. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around and I saw the tears in his eyes.

"Kie.. You uhh.." He was actually speechless

"You look beautiful... How the hell did you get this dress?"

"I found it when I came back here and met Logan and I knew I had to buy it"

JJ kissed me and Sarah was snapping pictures. I was wearing the original dress JJ loved when we were here for our gap year of traveling.

We took a lot of pictures and then the ceremony started. JJ and I said our vows and then it was finally time to kiss. I knew JJ would make it a good kiss. He dipped me and we continued to kiss. I had no intention of stopping but I pulled back to keep it appropriate.

We had a small party on the beach to celebrate our marriage. Everyone was having a blast and the grandparents were there to watch our kids. It was getting late and we took beautiful pictures as the sunset.

JJ and I left the party as everyone was getting drunk and we went to our room. In our room, JJ grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. We were making out and things escalated quickly.

We laid in bed together and he said, "I wish I would have married you here during our gap year"

"But then we wouldn't have had the cutest flower girl and ring bearer"

"You're right" He said kissing me

We talked about the wedding and our relationship as we fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Maybank" JJ said kissing me goodnight

"Goodnight, Mr. Maybank" I teased him

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