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Kie's POV:

I just sat there and hugged JJ. We were both crying and neither of us were speaking. I didn't even know where to begin.

"You are nothing like your father, JJ. You might have left, but you came back. I hate how you think you're never good enough for me"

"That's because I'm not... Kie, I have a shitty father, a mom who left me as a child, and you know how many girls I've been with. I don't have a good reputation and you know it"

"Really? It all comes back to all the girls. We've had this fight too many times. I'm not having it again because I told you that was your past. There is nothing either of us can do to change it. As long as they all stay in the past, it's fine."

JJ and I got into another argument about this and I was so sick of this fight. He suddenly brought up how I'm a kook and it just spiraled. I ended up getting into the same fight with him saying I knew how many girls he's been with. We both got mad and said things we would regret.

JJ stormed out of the house and I was left there burning with anger. I left too and went for a walk on the beach. I ended up sitting on the warm sand and looking at the ocean. I have to admit, I have always been jealous of all the girls JJ's been with, it's always bothered me until he left. I realized that he picked me. He was done with hookups when we started dating. I was the first girl he's ever dated and been in a relationship with.

I got over all the girls because to him it literally meant nothing. He didn't open up to them as he does to me. Suddenly, JJ appeared and sat next to me.

"Looks like some things never change" He said as this is the place we always used to sit and watch the sunset in high school

"J, I'm over all the girls you were with because you picked me, you loved me, you moved in with me, you went on the surf trip with me, and you came home to me" I whispered

JJ put his arm around me and he said, "You're right, and I would pick you every single time for the rest of my life. I don't understand how you are so forgiving and still love me. I literally just left you for no fucking reason and I come home two years later and you still love me, how can you love me?"

JJ had tears in his eyes and I said, "I don't know and no one else does either. All I know is that I love you because you're you. You make me so happy and I love how happy you always are, you can always make me laugh because you have the best sense of humor. You are loyal and you're tough and will fight anyone who hurts you or the people you care about. But with me, you open up and you show me your soft side and I love that. I know the real JJ that you try so hard to push away. You're my soulmate, my best friend, the love of my life, and the only person I ever want to be with"

JJ kissed me and I broke the kiss and said, "I kissed another guy when you were gone. It was just one kiss, he kissed me..."

JJ didn't let me explain it, he cut me off and said, "Logan, I know... I read the emails a few days ago. All is forgiven"

JJ kissed me and we made out on the beach and we walked home holding hands. JJ and I went right into our bedroom and continued making out which lead to much more. I woke up in the morning and he was making breakfast.

"Good morning, my beautiful, smart, sexy, girlfriend" JJ said putting a plate in front of me full of food

"Good morning, my hot chef" I said kissing him

We ate and then JJ asked if I would go to Boston with him this weekend to meet his mom and sister. I agreed and he was super excited. Today was Thursday so we were leaving tomorrow. We both packed a bag and JJ couldn't stop telling me everything about them.

The next day, we were in his truck and we were leaving to Boston. He grabbed my hand and held it as he drove. I missed this, so much.

"Alright, we have an eleven hour drive ahead of us. Ask me anything" He said

"Do you ever regret not getting married in Jamacia?" I asked him starting the questions off strong

"No, because everything happens for a reason. I do promise to marry you someday and that can be wherever you want" He smiled and I liked his answer

"Did you do anything with any other guys when I was gone?"

"Besides, Logan kissing me, no... I had no interest in moving on"

"Did you do anything with any other girls?" I asked scared to know the answer

"No, didn't even cross my mind. Why did you move back to OBX?"

"California didn't feel like home without you and I hated being alone there. But OBX isn't home without you either. You are my home.... Now, I have a serious question for you... Can we have a baby?"

JJ was totally caught off guard with this question. He didn't say anything at first and he asked, "Right now?"

"Not right this second but as soon as possible. When you left, I was alone. I left California and moved back here. I spent a ton of time with Sarah and the baby. It made me wish we had a baby just so I wasn't alone. I don't want to ever be alone without you again and I don't want you to be alone"

JJ didn't say anything and he pulled off the freeway. He drove on a few side roads until he can to a parking lot a park with lots of trees. I shut the truck off and looked at me. I had been about five minutes since I last spoke and he hasn't said a word.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"We are going to make a baby" He said kissing me

I pulled back and said, "I'm not even ovulating right now"

"Then we're going to practice and keep practicing until you're pregnant. Wait, do you still have your IUD?"

"No" I said and he kissed me and we were making out

He broke the kiss and he moved to the backseat. I crawled back with him and he pulled me onto his lap.

"What if someone sees us?"

"That's what makes it fun" He said kissing me

It was more of a quickie and he only took my bottoms all the way off and his down to his ankles. After, I just sat on his lap, facing him, he looked at me and said, "I've missed you so much"

"I love you" I said kissing him again

We continued to make out and then we broke apart knowing we had to get back on the road. JJ was driving again and he kissed my hand.

We continued talking and then I drove for a little bit so JJ could rest. Once we got close, JJ took over. We pulled up to a nice neighborhood and JJ said, "Well, this is it"

I kissed him and we walked up to the front door holding hands. He rang the doorbell and we waited.

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