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Kie's POV:

I woke up late the next morning and went downstairs. My parents hugged me and welcomed me home. This was honestly kind of humiliating moving back home at twenty-five years old after my boyfriend just disappeared.

I got ready and I drove JJ's truck to my new house that I bought. I pulled up and met the realtor there. I signed papers and the house was officially mine. There was so much work to be done.  Yes, okay I bought the house JJ grew up in. It was rundown and the grass was overgrown with lots of weeds. There were blood stains, beer strains, and other random stains all over the floor. There were a few holes in the wall and it was a mess. I was going to update it and completely redo it. I needed a project to take my mind off JJ and this house needs love that it never got.

I made a list of everything that needed to be done. It was long and would be expensive but I was determined to make this house into a home. The house was foreclosed after many years of it being abandoned. All of the Maybank's stuff was still here. It was very odd. The first thing I did was order a dumpster and I began to sort through all the crap. JJ had come and collected most of his stuff when we moved to California. So the majority was just old furniture that was disgusting and random shit everywhere. JJ and I had completely cleaned this place after Luke left.

I knew my first task was going to be replacing all the floor and carpet. I went to the store and got samples and put an order in. This was a huge project, but it was exactly what I needed right now. Something to focus on.

Over the next week, I spent all my time over there. The dumpster came and I tossed out the beds, and the broken dressers, I ripped the cupboards off the wall, and gutted the entire kitchen. It was very therapeutic. I spent many hours out in the yard pulling weeds, doing landscaping, and mowing. Finally, the new carpet and hardwood floors were put in. Just updating the floors made the place look brand new.

I told the pogues what I doing and they questioned if it was a good idea. I told them this is what I was doing and I didn't care what they thought. They were all supportive and offered to help. I denied the help and said this was something I wanted to do on my own.

Over the next three months, I was super busy painting, ordering new appliances, and having the cupboards and countertops installed. The house wasn't even close to being done. I was over there pretty much every day and finally, after eight months, it was complete. Now came the fun part, moving in.

Tonight, I was going to the chateau to hang with the whole crew. Sarah was doing a dinner thing and then we were just gonna hang out. I arrived and everyone was already there. Pope hugged me and so did Cleo. I've missed them so much.

We ate and talked about life in general. Pope was loving medical school, such a nerd. Cleo was busy planning the wedding. Sarah put her daughter to bed and we all went out by the fire and now is when I got drilled with questions.

"So, I know it's really none of my business but have you thought about dating?" Pope asked

"No, I have zero interest in finding another guy"

"But what if JJ never comes back? Kiara, it's been a little over a year" Cleo added on

"I don't know, okay? But I love him and his leaving doesn't change that. Trust me, I wish I could hate him"

"You can't spend your whole life missing him, Kie. You deserve so much more" Sarah said

"Okay, none of you know JJ the way that I did. None of you know what it's like for the love of your life to just leave one day. So until that happens to you, nobody can say a fucking thing about my life. If this is how you guys are going to treat me, I might just leave like JJ did" I said getting up and leaving the chateau

I went home and realized that was actually a brilliant idea. I packed a suitcase and told my parents I was going on a vacation tomorrow. I asked if they could bring me to the airport. My mom said yes and I went to bed and got up early the next day. I had no plan and I lied to my mom and told her that I was going to California to check in on the Surf Shop.

I walked into the airport and went to one of the desks.

"What flights do you have open that leave in like an hour?"  I asked

"Where do you want to go?" The woman asked

"Anywhere. How about you surprise me with a one-way ticket to a different country that will leave in the next hour."

The woman smiled and searched through her computer and said, "I found one"

She printed the ticket and said, "Enjoy"

I looked down at the ticket and I was going to Jamaica. I smiled at the lady and said, "Thank you so much"

I went through security and made it to the gate. I realized the women had upgraded me for free to first class. I got on the plane and shortly after, we took off. I went on my phone and scrolled back many years to find the pictures from the last time I was in Jamaica with JJ.

We finally landed and I went to the resort that I stayed at with JJ. I checked in and then went to my room and put my stuff down. I changed into a bikini and I went to the beach. It was so peaceful here. I watched the sunset and wished JJ was here with me. This was exactly what I needed.  A vacation from my pathetic life. I went back to my room and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and surfed as the sun came up. I was exhausted from surfing all morning and I had just set my board down when some guy approached me. He was tall, blonde, and very musclar. He smiled at me and sai, "I saw you killing those waves, I'm Logan"

"Kiara" I replied back as he shook my hand

"Can I take you to breakfast?" He asked and I wanted to say no but I was starving

"Yeah" I said giving him a small smile

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