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I was at work and my phone got locked inside a locker that no one knew the code to. I was dealing with a locksmith and trying to break in myself. It was no use. Today was so shitty because someone tried to steal a board and I was down at the police station straightening things out.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 10 pm. Fuck. I was four hours late. Kie was going to kill me. I wrapped things up and I sped home and she wasn't there. I didn't know where she would be at this hour. I went to the chateau thinking she went to hang with Sarah.

I pulled up and got out of my truck and Sarah came running out and said, "Thank god"

"Is Kie here?" I asked worried

"Yeah, come in. She came over three hours ago worried you left her again. You really fucked her up leaving her like that, dude" Sarah said coldly

I walked inside the chateau and saw Kie on the couch. She saw me and I went and sat by her and I hugged her. "I'm sorry that it's so late. Some kids came in and tried to steal a surfboard and my phone is stuck in a random locker. I've been at the police station all night trying to get my shit back from the kids. I didn't realize it was so late. I promise you that I will always come home to you. I love you"

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head as I said, "I'm here and I won't ever leave you. I love you. I'm right here, baby. I promise I'm staying with you"

She was calming down and she hugged me and I said, "Come on, let's go home"

I helped her up and she walked over here. I got her in my truck and she still seemed broken, almost numb. I've never seen her like this before. It scared me to death. Kie, the happiest person I knew was broken and it was all my fault. I broke her.

We got home and I walked to the passenger side and helped her inside. She went and changed into her pajama which was always one of my t-shirts and a pair of her shorts. She brushed her teeth and went and laid in bed. I did the same thing and I asked, "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I just really needed you earlier and I panicked when you didn't come home and didn't answer your phone. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to apologize for. I was the one who left you, I'm the one who fucked you up and I will spend the rest of my life fixing that mistake" I said pulling her closer to me so she was the little spoon.

We laid there and I was thinking a lot about the future. Of course, I wanted to marry Kie someday but we weren't rushing that. We both already agreed on a tiny wedding with just the pogues and Kie's parents. But a few days ago, we wanted to have a baby.

I feel like I damaged our relationship so much that adding a baby would only strain it more. Kie might break completely or we might not end up together. I couldn't lose Kie. I would pick having her and only her, no kids if it meant she was happy. I couldn't risk having kids right now and losing her forever.

I feel like I should tell her so we can start planning better, using protection, or starting birth control.

"Kie, we should slow this down and not rush marriage or a baby. Let's focus on us because I don't want you to be so stressed and worried. Let's re-build our relationship. We can figure this out. I never want to lose you and to marry you right now feels forced. I want to propose to you spontaneously when we are both ready. Adding a baby would take out focus away from each other and I feel like I might lose you forever" I said telling her the truth

And fuck, JJ why did you have to say that. I thought to myself. I always fucked things up.

Kie's response to what I just said wasn't what I was expecting. It made me feel like an ass. It made me feel like Luke.

"J, I'm already pregnant" Is what Kie told me and I could tell she was crying

I was shocked. What are the odds we would get pregnant right away? Holy shit. I'm going to be a dad. I've already fucked Kie up mentally just imagine what I will do to a baby. I need weed. Or a beer. No, that's what Luke would do. I needed to say something to her. I just didn't know what to say.

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