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Kie's POV:

It had been one year, eleven months, two weeks, and six days since JJ left me. I thought it would get easier, but it was only getting harder. Everyone seemed annoyed that I couldn't just move on. I didn't care anymore. I'm much happier alone than I could ever be with another guy. All the pogues hated JJ and would only talk shit about him so I had no one to talk to about him anymore. I was feeling more and more alone.

Pope had graduated from medical school and he had his small wedding to Cleo. It was very small with only his parents, the pogues, and a few of Cleo's cousins. The wedding was a destination wedding in the Bahamas. Pope and Cleo were having a reception/party back in OBX with all their friends. Sarah and I were bridesmaids and John B was the best man. JJ should've been up there too.

We were all staying at a small airbnb together. Of course, the happily married couple got a hotel room for their wedding night. The next night they came back to the group house and We had a fun vacation. They were going on their honeymoon after the wedding reception next week.

Tonight, we were going out to some club. I really didn't want to go, but I got all dressed up and went anyway. We went inside and Sarah immediately was trying to find a guy for me. I was annoyed and went and sat at the bar alone. I ordered a drink and just spun the ice around with the small straw.

A guy came and sat next to me and he was hot. 

"Hey, everything okay?"

"I'm fine" I said coldly

"I know how to cheer you up" He said reaching out to touch me 

I pushed him back and said, "Leave me alone, I'm pregnant and married"

That was a total lie but it made him walk away. I looked at Sarah who was watching. She was trying to set me up. I left the club and I went back to the airbnb and I sent JJ another email. He had deleted all social media so I couldn't even DM him. I fell asleep before they got back and thankfully in a few days we were back home getting ready for the reception.

It was at the chateau and there were about a hundred people there. Everyone was dressed up. Cleo was in her wedding dress and she looked perfect. Sarah and I were in matching bridesmaid dresses.

The party had been going on for about an hour and everyone was dancing and having a good time. I was dancing and there were a few guys around me. Suddenly, everyone froze and I didn't know why. Everyone looked at me and suddenly, I saw that messy blonde hair that I would recognize anywhere. It was JJ. He was home. He was in a pair of shorts and one of his cut t-shirts holding a duffle bag and his backpack. Our eyes locked and my heart was racing. It was like time froze.

I had dreamed about this moment forever. I had pictured it one of two ways. Number one, I walk up to him and I slap him for leaving me. I scream at him and tell him how much he fucked me up by leaving and that I don't love him anymore. Number two, I run to him and forgive him because I love him.

"Kie" JJ said so softly and I could tell he had no idea what I was going to do or how I was going to react. Honestly, I didn't either.

I slowly walked toward him, not breaking the eye contact. He waited right where he was and I stopped in front of him, leaving about a foot between us. I looked up into his eyes and he was the first one to speak.

"Kie, I'm so sorry.... I don't know what...." Was all he got out before I took a step closer to him and kissed him

He kissed me back and he pulled me closer so my body was touching his. We were making out and he broke the kiss first and wrapped his arms around me and he whispered, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I whispered back 

People went back to dancing and having fun and they weren't paying attention to us anymore. Well, the guests weren't and the pogues were. I knew they were pissed at me for kissing JJ.

"You should get back to the party" He said

"What are you going to do?" I asked

"I don't know, but be anywhere but here" He replied

"Fuck this party, let's go" I said as we walked to my car

He got in the passenger seat and I got in the driver's seat. I was driving away from the chateau and I pulled over and looked at him and said, "So there is something I need to tell you before I drive any farther"

"What are you married or something?" He joked

"Hell no, I bought your old house and I completely remodeled it" I said nervously as I knew he only had bad memories of that house

His face was priceless and he said, "I can't wait to see it"

I drove home and we got out. JJ grabbed his two bags and we walked inside. JJ walked around and he told me it was perfect.

"You still have my truck and all the stuff I left?" He asked noticing

"Yeah, it made me believe you'd come back"

"I had to come back because I fucked up and I left the most important thing behind," He said grabbing me and kissing me

I just made out with him in as we stood there in the kitchen.

"Aren't you supposed to be pissed at me?" JJ asked confused breaking the kiss

"Yeah, and I am so fucking pissed at you for leaving me. I hate you for it, but I also am still totally in love with you. We'll talk about it later, right now, I just want you" I said and he pressed his lips to mine

We were making out in the kitchen and he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom. He unzipped my dress and laid me on the bed and we continued to make out. We had amazing sex.

After, JJ was laying on his back and I was laying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I didn't want to talk and ruin this moment, but I also had a million questions.

"I know what you're thinking about, just ask whatever you want to know" He said reading my mind

"Not tonight, tonight I just want you to hold me. We can talk tomorrow" I responded and he kissed my head goodnight

I woke up and JJ was playing with my hair. He kissed me and said, "Good morning, princess"

"Good morning," I said back still sleepy

"Your phone had been going crazy" He said

I grabbed it and said, "We are wanted at the chateau"

We got up and got dressed quickly and we went to the chateau. JJ drove his truck and within ten seconds of us getting out of the truck, the pogues were waiting outside. John B walked up to JJ and punched him, hard. JJ took the punch and spit blood out of his mouth.

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