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I never cheated on Kie. I would never do that to her. I told her the truth and then we got into an argument that I knew was coming. She was worried that I haven't proposed to her.

Truth is, I've had the ring for a long time. I bought it when I was with my mom and sister right before I came home. But it was never the right time to propose after six came home because we were trying to fix our relationship, then Kie got pregnant with Ella and I didn't want her to think I was proposing because she was pregnant. And life got busy as Liam came shortly after Ella.

I've almost proposed on multiple occasions but it just didn't feel right. Now I regret not doing it sooner. We both know a ring and a marriage changes nothing but I know Kie always wanted to get married.

She was one to look forward things and I knew she'd somehow stumble across the ring if I hid it in an obvious place so I restored back to my secret hiding spot from my dad.

I was just sitting in my truck about to start it when Kie came running outside in her pajamas to my truck. I got out and she said, "There's a ring"

"Of course, there's a ring"  I said

"So you want to get married?"

"Yes, do you know how many times I've almost proposed to you but something comes up ot it's just not the right time. I know you want to get married and I knew you'd look for a ring. So I hid it in my little hiding spot from my dad"

She was crying and I said, "I love you, Kie and I always will. You know I'd never cheat on you because you're way too good for me and I'll never be able to replace you"

"So you didn't cheat on me in California?"

"Hell no... She kissed me and I stopped it right away. You're the only one I wanted to kiss" I said kissing her

I broke the kiss and asked, "Did you look at the ring?"

"No" She said

"Fuck it" I said knowing I was going to propose to her

"This house was a shithole I grew up in. It was broken down and falling apart. There was no love ever in this house. Then I met you and you became my best friend and you fixed me and you fixed this shithole. You made this a beautiful house filled with love for our kids and for me. You've given me so much and I'll never be able to repay you. I love you, Kie and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to wait anymore because there will never be a perfect place or time to propose. Kiara Anna Carrera, will you marry me?"

I asked as I got down on one knee and opened the box that contained the ring. Her face was speechless and she was crying happy tears and she said, "Yes"

I stood up and she hugged me so tight and whispered, "I love you so much"

"I love you too" I said as I held her in her my arms before breaking the hug to slip the ring on her finger

She looked down at the ring and at me. She had the most perfect smile and she said, "It's beautiful, I love it"

"Just like you" I said kissing her

I picked her up and we were making out. We wanted to go inside to our bedroom but my mom was in the room next door and the walls were thin. I carried her to the backseat of my truck and she laughed, "Just like high school" I said taking her shirt off

After, we snuck back inside and went to bed and Kie said, "I'm sorry for kicking you out. I didn't mean it"

"I know you didn't" I said pulling her into my arms

We got up the next morning with the kids and we didn't even think to tell my mom. She spotted the ring on Kie's finger and asked, "When did that happen?"

"Last night" I said proudly

She freaked out and hugged Kie and said, "Congrats, I can't wait for you to officially be my daughter-in-law"

We told Kie's parents and the pogues and everyone was so excited. Kie asked me, "Can we get married in Jamaica?"

"Hell yes! The kids have their passports, let's do it soon. I don't want to wait to get married"

"Can we invite the parents and our friends?"

"Yeah, so just a small wedding?"

"Yeah" She smiled kissing me

A few days later, Kie and I called the resort we wanted to get married at and got our date for two months. We told our friends and they were all so excited.

We were keeping this wedding simple. We weren't doing bridesmaids or groomsmen. It was just going to be us up at the altar. We were going to have our son and daughter walk down together as the flower girl and ring bearer just because it would be cute.

Kie booked our plane tickets for the trip. I looked at her asked, "Do you want to do a honeymoon together after the wedding?"

"Like go somewhere else?"


"That would be fun" She smiled

"So you'll be okay if it's just you and me? Or do you want to bring the kids?"

"Can we come home first? Then leave from here so they don't have to fly without us"

"Absolutely" I said kissing her

She left the honeymoon to me to plan and I was quite excited. I had to do something exciting and someplace we've never been before.

Before we knew it, we were flying to Jamaica to get married. Our kids were the only ones coming with. Pope's parents were watching his kid and John B and Sarah's kids.

Kie and I had a room with the kids up until the wedding night. Then the night of the wedding the girls took Kie and the guys took me. My mom took Liam and Anna took Ella for the night.

Emma got along great with Sarah and Cleo so she was hanging with them. The guys did a small bachelor party for me. It wasn't anything crazy. They both feel asleep pretty early and I couldn't sleep so I went out by the water to watch the waves and I saw Kie sitting on the beach taking to some guy.

I approached them and they both looked at me. She knew him and I've never met him. What the hell?

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