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Kie's POV:

I just told JJ that I was pregnant after he told me he wanted to wait to have kids. I could tell he felt insanely guilty.

I can tell that he knows that I'm not okay since he left me. He's worried this baby will make things worse. He hasn't said anything yet. Shit. JJ please say something.

He just hugged me and he said, "We're having a baby and I promise you that I'm not going anywhere"

He held me in his arms and I asked, "Be honest with me, do you want this baby?"

"Of course, I do... I love you so much and I love our little baby. But if you aren't ready for this, I understand completely" He said so carefully but so gentle and loving at the same time

"I'm not ready for all of this at all, but I think it's exactly what I need. We are having this baby" I said firmly and JJ kissed me

We laid in bed together and fell asleep. The next morning, I called and made a doctor's appointment for myself and the baby. It was in three days and JJ was super excited. He couldn't shut up about the baby. It was pretty adorable.

Finally, the days went by and we were sitting in the small room doing an ultrasound and looking at our very tiny baby inside of me. I was crying because I was so happy. JJ leaned over and kissed me.

We left the doctor's with pictures of the ultrasound and JJ and I were so anxious to tell the pogues. Since Pope and Cleo weren't here due to his schooling, JJ and I just told John B and Sarah later that night.

We were at the chateau and JJ and I couldn't keep it a surprise. We basically walked in and said, "I'm pregnant"

Sarah was shocked and she ran over to hug me and she said, "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"I'm so excited" I said

I looked at Sarah and she was crying happy tears and she said, "I'm pregnant too!"

"Our babies are going to be best friends" I said crying with her and the guys were just laughing at us and our emotions

"Nice work" John B said patting a proud JJ on the back

"Thanks, you too buddy" JJ said doing the same to John B which caused me and Sarah to laugh

We took a few pictures and then we couldn't stop talking about the babies. It got late and JJ and I went home.

The next day, we went to my parents house to tell them the news. JJ was so nervous and I tried my best to calm him down.

My parents haven't seen JJ since he left.

"You can get the fuck out of my house and away from my daughter! You can go to hell!" My mom screamed at him

Shockingly, JJ didn't even flinch with her reaction. It was me who broke down in tears. My mom hugged me and said, "Honey, it's okay! We made it two years without him. You don't need him. You deserve better."

I pulled away from the hug and I said, "I love him, mom and we're having a baby"

"No. You are stupid if you're having a baby with the man who just left you" My mom yelled at me

This is where JJ stepped in and he said, "You can say whatever you want about me. I know what I did was wrong but it's between me and Kiara. You will not stand here and tell your daughter she's stupid. She is pregnant with your grandchild and regardless of how you feel about me being the father, you should be happy for your daughter."

I went and hugged JJ and he held me in his arms tightly as he kissed my head. My mom didn't have the chance to respond when my dad came to the door and he asked, "What's going on?"

He then saw JJ and he I swear his was getting ready to punch him so I stepped in front of my dad.

"Kiara is back with JJ now that he's returned and she's pregnant!" My mom said breaking the news to my dad

"You're pregnant?" He asked as if he didn't believe it

"Yes, I am abs we want this to be a good thing. We are having a baby. I'm happy again. I have JJ back and we're having a baby" I said smiling

My mom hugged me and walked me inside. My dad walked behind us and blocked the door so JJ couldn't enter. JJ said, "You can hate me all you want. But that is my child and I love my child and the woman carrying our child."

"Mom, dad, please... I missed him so much. If I have to pick between you l guys and him, I will pick him ever single time" I said crying as I walked into JJ's arms

My parents let JJ come in and we just talked about the baby and JJ explained a little bit about where he was. My parents still were pissed but they were more relaxed.

JJ and I left and he said, "Holy shit... I thought your dad was going to kill me"

"So did I. I love you and thank you for doing that with me. Thank you for coming home to me"

"I love you, Kiara, and I will never leave again"

We are back home and we spent the next few days working and going about normal life. When JJ came to bed one night and he said, "So, I'm going to have to fly out to the Cali surf shop for a few weeks. I just heard that we were named the number one store in California and they are doing a bunch of PR on it. Will you want to come with me?"

"Do you want me with you?"

"Yes, of course. That's why I asked you to come with me. The store is thriving today because of you. Besides, I don't want to spend time away from you"

"When do we leave?"

"Not sure yet. I'll look at flights and see what makes sense" JJ said grabbing my laptop and looking at flights

We ended up booking flights that leave in a month and we'd spend four days in Cali. Soon we were off to California for the big event. JJ was so excited and I was so proud of him.

We did lots of interviews and pictures, and then there was a big party to celebrate the success. JJ and I were both dressed up and he saw me in my dress and said, "Wow, you look beautiful"

"Thank you, I feel like the dress is way too tight in my stomach. I look fat"

"Kiara Anna Carerra, you are pregnant, not fat. And you are so beautiful..." JJ said kissing me which made me feel beautiful. I was now officially twelve weeks along

"Thank you" I whispered as he pulled me into a hug

"You don't have to thank me. It's my job as your boyfriend to always make sure you know how beautiful, and sexy you look" He said smirking

We took a bunch of pictures and JJ and I posted on social media officially announcing the pregnancy. We were both so excited!


sorry this was kind of a filler chapter. more to come :) as always please leave any ideas or suggestions below. thanks for reading

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