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Kie's POV:

JJ and I never really talked about wanting to know the gender of baby number two. However, I had to go to the next appointment alone and I asked for the gender and they told me. I was so excited. I wasn't going to tell JJ quite yet.

I went home and JJ was waiting with Ella.

"Mommy's home" He said to our daughter as he handed Ella to me

I held our daughter and he asked, "How'd the appointment go?"

"It was good, baby is healthy and growing as predicted"

"You're so good at growing tiny humans. It's like your superpower" JJ said kissing me

He attempted to slip his tongue in my mouth and I said, "Baby is right here"

"It's good for her to see her parents love each other"

I laughed and said, "She doesn't need to see her parents make out"

"You're probably right" He said smirking

"I'll kiss you later, babe" He said leaving as he had to get to work

JJ left and I was with Ella for the day. I was only working part-time and it was pretty much on my own terms and I could work from home. I had an amazing boss and I loved my flexible schedle. I was also able to work less because JJ's surf shop has become so successful. He now has four locations. One was here in OBX and the other three were in California. I was so proud of him.

I spent the whole day taking care of Ella, organizing things for the baby in the new baby room, and trying to think of a cute way to tell JJ the gender of the baby.

I was making dinner when JJ got home and the first thing he did was come and kiss me and then he went to our daughter and hugged her. He put her back in her swing and he came to help me in the kitchen. He was a much better cook.

We ate dinner together and then we got Ella to bed. Tomorrow we were going to the beach as a family. We were also doing some cute family pictures. Sarah was tkaing them as she was really into photography and wanted to build up her portfolio. We got up the next day and had breakfast and I brought Ella to our bedroom and I held her as I yelled to JJ.

"Can you come here and see if these swimusits will look cute for pictures?"

He walked into the room and looked at the four swimsuits that were all black on the bed and then he looked at me confused. There were two bikini's there. One was mine and one was small for Ella. There were also two pair of swimtrunks. One was bigger for JJ and the other pair was tiny for a newborn.

"What? A boy?" He asked

"We're having a boy" I said smiling

JJ started crying and he kissed me and said, "How do you know?"

"I asked at my appoitment and thought it would be fun to surprise you"

JJ had the biggest smile and he said, "I can't wait to meet our son"

"Neither can I, our little mini JJ"

We all got ready and we headed to the beach where we met Sarah and took some adorable pictures. It was a maternity, family, couple shoot all in one. It only took about an hour and then JJ grabbed his surfboard and caught a few waves.

We took Ella in the water and JJ was holding me in one arm and Ella in the other and she just giggled as she thought it was funny that JJ was holding both of us. JJ got us icecream and then we went home after a long day at the beach. Sarah sent us some of the pictures and JJ and I posted the one of us holding the swimtrunks and told everyone it was a boy.

"So what are we naming our son?" JJ asked me

"I want his middle name to be either Jackson or James after you if that's okay?"

"Yeah, I'd love that. Now we just need a first name"

JJ and I talked about so many first names and we had our favorites and were waiting until he was born. Before we knew it, we were in the hospital holding our son. He was so perfect. JJ and I had named him Liam Jackson Maybank. He was a mini JJ and Ella was now a little over a year old. She came in the room with her grandmas and she was so excited to see the baby.

"Baby" She said as JJ picked her up and put her on the bed with me

"This is your baby brother, Liam. Do you love him?"

"Ya" She said nodding her head

We let her hold him, he was resting on her as JJ snapped a bunch of pictures. Ella hugged me and told me she missed me.

"I miss you too, Ella. I promise in a few weeks when mommy is better we are going to have a day together. Just us girls, mommy and Ella"

"Yay" She said hugging me

She spent about an hour there and then my mom took her home and JJ's mom went with. We spent a few days in the hospital before we went home with our son.

JJ and I were home for a week with the two kids before he went back to work. Liam was already such a mini JJ.

We have adjusted well to having two little ones. JJ was busy at work most days and the business was thriving.

"So when do we buy a house on figure eight?" JJ asked me in bed one night

"You want to live on figure eight?"

"Fuck yes, koi pond and all baby"

"What about this house? I don't want to sell it"

"We won't sell it. You've got a shit ton of money and the surf shops are thriving. We can afford a house on figure eight."

"I know we can... I just don't want our kids growing up as kooks"

"And they won't... They'll be just like you and be kooks on the outside but pogues on the inside"

"Fine, we can start looking at houses because it is pretty crammed here" I said as JJ kissed me goodnight

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