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Kie's POV:

JJ and I had been married for a year now and life was amazing. I was pregnant with another boy and JJ was thrilled.

I was much better now about JJ leaving. It didn't bother me, I missed him but I was okay. His surf shops were super successful and he now has over twenty locations.

I had my dream job. I was a stay at home mom and JJ was making all the money. He loved his job and we had a house that we built on Figure Eight. We had just moved in and tonight was our first night in the house.

JJ and I were laying in bed and I said, "I'm so proud of you"

"Why?" He asked confused

"Look at your childhood and look at where you are now. You're running a super successful business that has over twenty locations across the country. You're supporting the whole family on your salary and allowing me to be home with our babies. Most importantly, you're the best husband to me and an incredible dad to our kids. Thank you for giving us the most incredible life"

"I love you, Kie, and I would do anything for you and our kids. You're giving me the family I never had growing up"

JJ kissed me goodnight and he asked, "Do you promise me that you're doing better now with the whole me leaving you thing?"

"Yes, I miss you like crazy when you're gone but I know you'll always come back to me and our kids. I love you, J, and I forgave you for that a long time ago. Honestly, as much as it hurt us, I think in the end it made us stronger. But don't ever do it again"

"I promise, you're stuck with me for life" He said laughing

"No one else I'd rather be with" 

JJ and I laid in bed together trying to fall asleep. He pulled me into his arms and I passed out a few minutes later. His arms were my safe place, my most favorite place to be. In the arms of the love of my life. 


Hope you all enjoyed the story! Please go check out all my other Jiara books. 

I will be updating the ones that aren't complete now that this one is finished. Thank you all for reading and supporting this story. It means so much to mean and keeps me motivated to continue to write. 

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