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Eddie was shaking like he never did before. When Chrissy Cunningham died in his trailer, he just ran. Ran away from the images of her bones snapping and the bubbly cries that had been heard as blood filled her mouth.

Eddie had hoped that he wouldn't remember, because his brain had a habit of shutting off memories that were traumatic. But not this time. They were haunting him.
Now he was scared to death, searched by the police and all on his own in the boathouse of his drug dealer, who was currently in jail.

The frightened man let out a small cry. He was so alone, and cold and he felt the urge to flee into his headspace, even though he didn't understand it. He knew that when his mind became fuzzy, he got clumsier and he had trouble speaking or walking, and he cried a lot easier as if life overall was more upsetting. It was the polar opposite from when he was stoned, and he was scared of it, because he knew if anyone ever found out he wouldn't just be „Eddie The Freak Munson" but much worse.

In a desperate try to comfort himself, the brunette grabbed the tarp that was draped over ricks boat and wrapped himself in it. It was cold and felt damp so he let out a small whine and dropped it again.

But then Eddie heard voices, over at the main building. His heart dropped down to his stomach and he left his spot on the floor to hide in a hurry, in case the people came over to the boathouse.

And he was right. As soon as his breathing evened out in hopes the strangers were just passing by, he saw flashing lights through the windows. Just moments after, he heard the squeaking of the door being opened. Tears prickled in his eyes as he shut them tightly, grabbing for the knife in his pocket. Eddie was so scared of these people being cops that he didn't notice that at least one voice was familiar to him.

Eddie had no idea how many they were, but he was sure that now that he was a wanted man he could defend himself too. He was already fucked because everyone thought he killed Chrissy. So what about some more people to his record?

With that decision he jumped from his hiding spot and towards the first person he was able to grab, putting his knife to their throat, panting in anger and fear of being found.

But before he could hurt the other male that was looking at him in shock, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

„Eddie! It's just us man! It's me, Dustin! And that is Steve, we aren't here to hurt you!"

The words his younger friend had yelled out reached into his clouded mind and he let the other male go, sitting on the ground defeated.

Dustin bent down to him, sitting in front of him and trying to make eye contact, but Eddie wouldn't let him. The older male knew if he was confronted with any emotion now, he would break. And he didn't want his friend or the strangers Dustin brought along to see him cry.

He didn't even listen to the muffled voice of Henderson. He felt tired, cold and he just wanted a hug. Tears escaped his eyes without him realising until the boy he threatened before kneeled down next to Dustin and carefully started wiping his face with a tissue Eddie didn't even see him getting.

Eddie just let him, even leaned into the touch at some point. He whimpered as the other boy stopped helping him, making grabby hands at him. He couldn't take all of it anymore, he didn't feel like an adult anymore, he was just scared and wanted comfort.

Dustin and Steve exchanged confused looks. What had happened to the boy? Just moments before he held a knife up to Steve's throat and now he sounded like a disoriented child.

Steve let out a sigh. „Do you think he's high or something?" he asked, looking at Dustin. Asked boy shrugged.
„No idea. But we can't leave him like this, and i don't think he's ready to talk about what happened. Maybe we can just...i don't know what to do." Dustin admitted, a confused look on his face.

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