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Steve gave Eddie some headpats while the long haired male built a little house with the blocks.

But when he noticed the hand on his head, he looked up at Steve with big, brown eyes. Steve's heart melted at the sight, but he quickly pulled himself together.

„Okay Eds, I have a grocery list now. Can i make a quick trip to your home and get you some stuff? Clothes and such? I will need a little longer though, but you can watch TV while i'm away. Does that sound alright?" Steve explained, kind of expecting a similar reaction from the older as when he accidentally wanted to leave him alone. But Eddie just seemed to think for a second, and then mumbled „Oki" around his thumb.

Steve smiled, ruffling the others hair and getting up.
„Alright, then I'll head off now. You know where the bathroom is in case you need to go? Also my second walkie-talkie is upstairs in my room, so if you need anything hit me up. Sounds good?"

Eddie blushed at the amount of care he got from Steve, and nodded. He was safe here, and Steve didn't want to hurt him, so he was just going to trust him. In his non childish state he probably would've scoffed at the treatment and him being so naïve and thinking Steve cared, but right now all Eddie could focus on were Steves eyes resting on him.

When the other got up, Eddie just held the stuffed animal closer and told himself it wouldn't be too long.

So Steve left, not without locking the door and making sure the blinds were closed so no passengers could see Eddie from outside.
Then he quickly got into his car, the walkie-talkie on the passenger seat and heading off, his first stop being the trailer park, since he figured going there during lunch wouldn't be as suspicious as during the evening.

So he parked his car next to Max's trailer, after telling the cops he wanted to bring her some school stuff she had forgotten at home in a rush this morning, after leaving to stay over at a friends because of what had happened here.
But instead, he went over to Eddies trailer, politely knocking since he figured Eddies uncle would be at home.

And so it was. Shortly after he knocked, Steve heard footsteps towards the door, and a worried looking man opened.
His eyes had bags from probably not being able to sleep since Chrissy was found, and Steve felt empathy for him when he growled at him.

„I told you rats I'm not talking to reporters a thousand times now." he said, giving Steve the creeps at how serious he sounded.
But the boy just swallowed and nodded.

„And I understand that, Mister Munson, but I'm not here to question you. In fact, i am not even a reporter. Can I come inside? It's about Eddie" he explained quickly but polite and he saw the hope glow up in the others eyes.

He was dragged inside by Eddies uncle and the door was locked behind him.

„Are you a friend of Eddies? Do you know where he is?" Mr. Munson asked, and Steve nodded.

„Well I'm a friend of a friend. We searched for Eddie because we know he's innocent...I can't tell you why though, for Eddies safety. He's currently staying at my place, and I came here to get some clothes for him, Mr. Munson" the brunette explained, and he saw the others eyes tearing up.

„Please, call me Wayne, kid. I'm glad Eddie is safe, that's all I need to know. His room is down the hallway. I'd invite you for a tea or something but I think that would be suspicious" Wayne said, and Steve made his way through the tight hallway towards the room he had pointed at.

Eddies room looked exactly how Steve had expected it to be.
Cramped, full of band posters and various stacked up things, a bunch of notebooks laying next to the bed on the floor, most likely for the dungeons and dragons campaigns Dustin had told him about.

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