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Steve made his way over to the Wheelers house, Mrs Wheeler greeting him when she opened the door.
He politely declined her offer for tea, telling her he had to do school stuff with Nancy.

So he went downstairs into the basement after Mrs Wheeler had told him that's were the others were waiting.
Once he got down the stairs, he got tackled by Dustin.

„Finally you're here! How is Eddie?" he asked energetically, earning a huff from Steve.
„He's fine man, not much going on over at my place. Just a good old hiding a searched man. Exactly what I planned for my spring break." he joked, sitting down at the set up table.

Nancy smiled a little at him, which he returned, only to get Robins elbow crushed into his hip.
He groaned and shifted in his seat uncomfortably, eyeing the walkie he had set onto the table, hoping Eddie wouldn't call him up too soon.

„...Steve are you listening?" Nancy asked, and Steve quickly nodded.
„Yeah, sorry. So we think this Vecna thing is Victor Creek?" he tried to recall the pieces of Nancys speech that he had picked up while worrying about the little boy at his house.

„Creel. But yeah. And we're going into the asylum as academic scholars to talk to him" Robin said, taking the file Nancy had slipped her.
„I am now Rose, and she's Ruth" Robin grinned.

„Wait- where's mine?" Steve blurted out, watching Nancy and Robin eyeing each other.

„We kind of hoped you'd stay with Max..." she whispered, looking at the red head worrying.
Max scoffed and turned away from them, obviously uncomfortable with the attention now laying on her.

„Wait why what's wrong with Max?" Steve shouted, worry now written over his face.

„God, Steve, you're so behind it's embarrassing" she uttered, sighing.

„I saw a clock, alright? And i've been having these weird visions, so...I guess Vecna is taking me next" she whispered.

Steve stared at her in utter disbelief, obviously not processing what he just heard.

„So, are you staying with the kids, Dingus?" Robin broke the silence that had fallen over the room, and Steve nodded quietly.
He didn't know how he'd take care of a cursed girl and Eddie at his place, but he was Steve Harrington and he knew he could do it, especially if Max was in real danger now.

„Okay, Max, you're coming with me then. I can't leave Eddie home alone for too long so I'm sorry if that's interfering with any of your plans-" he started, but was cut off by Dustin.

„What do you mean you can't leave Eddie alone? He's an adult, he can take care of himself. This is important, Steve. She might die, for fucks sake!" the younger shouted.

„Language" Nancy uttered, but she also looked at Steve, waiting for an explanation.

„Well- he's a bit sick, probably caught a cold out in Ricks shack. I spent the last days taking care of him, I don't want to leave him all alone out of the sudden" Steve tried to explain, but Max just shrugged.

„I don't mind staying at yours. Everything is better than being at home near all the cops." she said, grabbing her backpack and shouldering it.

„Are we leaving now? Or is there anything else?" she asked while looking at everyone sitting at the table still.
Steve got up first, grabbing the walkie and snapping it onto his belt loop.

„No, let's go. Henderson, where are you going now?" he asked, eyes pointing at Dustin, who had grabbed his stuff as well.

„I thought i could come with you?" he asked hopefully, and Steve sighed.
„Fine, but no yelling and shit around Eddie" he said, noticing the weird smile Nancy gave him. He decided to shrug it off though, because there were more important things than the way Nancy looked at him right now.

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