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The relaxing silence of Eddies breathing didn't last long though.
About an hour after Steve had fallen asleep as well, he got woken up again by Eddies cries and stirring around in his sleep.

Steve sighed and pulled the other closer to him, shushing him a bit, hoping he would get to the others mind. He didn't have the heart to wake Eddie up when he had barely gotten two hours of sleep.

But the whining and crying of the brunette got louder and suddenly he shot up into a sitting position, panting and crying.
Steve immediately sat up as well, pulling the other into his lap.

„Shh hon, Daddy's got you. I'm here, you're safe" Steve reassured the other, who seemed to calm down from hearing Steve's voice and being held.

He whimpered and the tears didn't stop falling for a while, but at least he wasn't having a panic attack.
What Steve didn't know though, was that he wasn't in the headspace.
He had clearly heard Steve calling himself Daddy, and it intimidated him.

While it felt nice, this was still Steve Harrington holding him to his chest.
The guy had not exactly been Eddies friend throughout High School and Eddie remembered the relief he had felt when Steve graduated.

But now that was gone, all the fear and hatred he had felt for the other after years of watching him bully his friends for who they were, simply because Steve had taken him in? It couldn't be that easy...Eddie shouldn't feel so safe around him.
He shouldn't like the feeling of being in Steve's arms.
He shouldn't enjoy the thought of this lasting forever, he should run away like he always did...and not feel good when the other called himself his daddy.
It was wrong...why did it feel so right and safe then?

„Eddie?" he heard Steve's voice reach his ears, and his head shot up to meet the others eyes. There was clear to see worry in them, but also something else. Fear? Anger? Eddie couldn't tell.
He had never been good at reading emotions, and being lost in his own thoughts didn't help.

„Eddie, you're shaking...what's got you so worked up, hon?" Steve asked again, and Eddie broke.
This was too much, he started sobbing uncontrollably into Steve's chest, clinging into him rambling apologies that could barely be heard over his shaking breaths.

Steve just held him, completely shocked with what was going on, stroking through Eddies hair gently with one hand and holding him close with the other.

It took Eddie almost twenty minutes until he could see again, his eyes still watery but not completely blurred anymore.
He looked up at Steve.
„Why are you so nice to me..? You made High School hell for me and my friends, why are you protecting me now..?" he whispered, and now it was Steve's turn to break.

He didn't cry, he just had to take some shaky breaths to calm himself.
He inhaled deeply before coughing to steady his voice.

„I know I was an absolute ass back then...and I'm so sorry I hurt you, Eddie. I got with the wrong people, but I know that's not an excuse. But since I met Dustin I understood what I did, and I had to get my head back in place...and lord did Nancy do that. I'm not that douche bag anymore, but I understand if you are still afraid. I'm sorry. But Eddie, I really care for you and I want you to be safe, okay?" Steve ended his speech, leaving the curled up boy in his lap wordless.

Eddie just nodded slowly, snuggling back into Steve's chest.
„I forgive's not like i didn't notice you changed. I guess I'm just being dramatic-" he tried to excuse his behaviour, but Steve cut him off.

„No, Eds, you're not being dramatic. I was an asshole and you have every right to be sceptical. Don't apologise to me. That's my part."

A small smile crossed Eddies face. Maybe Steve really did change.
The old King Steve Harrington would never let him behave like a kid or cuddle him to sleep or soothe him when he needed it.
So maybe Eddie just had to give him a chance, just like Steve and his friends had given him one to explain that he wasn't a cold blooded psychopath.

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