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Both of Steve's visitors ended up asleep on his couch, having Steve carry his boyfriend up to his room and Max into the guest room she had slept in the day prior. Since neither of them had changed out of their pjs in the first place, Steve just ended up tugging the girl in, quietly leaving the room and joining Eddie in his own bed, pulling the covers over them after hugging the other from behind, his face buried in the dark locks.

The night didn't go peacefully though, and Steve got woken up by the phone ringing downstairs only a few hours after he went to bed.

„This is Steve Harrington speaking, how can I help?" he automatically said the usual phrase, still being half asleep.

„Steve. Someone else died, from Lucas basketball team. At Lovers lake, apparently Jason and his hooligans were looking for Eddie. We have to investigate there, Dustin said he thinks there could be a gate, like when the demogorgon left an opening whenever it attacked. Please come over to Lovers lake as soon as possible" Nancys voice rang through his ears, and suddenly Steve was wide awake.

He assured Nancy they would be on their way as soon as possible, hanging up the phone and sprinting up the stairs into Max's room.
The redhead was sitting on the bed, a book in hand, looking up at him when he entered.

„We have to go to Lovers Lake. Like, right now" Steve spoke, watching Max's eyebrows disappear under her bangs as she raised them in confusion.

„I'll explain on the way, please get ready" he said, not having time to explain to her what was going on right now, hastily going over to his room to wake up Eddie.
Steve prayed to all the gods above that his boyfriend wouldn't be little when he woke him, since he needed him to be aware of what was happening.

He softly shook Eddie, trying to get him to wake up.
„Ed's, can you get up for me please? It's really important" he cooed, watching Eddies eyes open slowly, rubbing the sleep out of them and looking up at Steve.

„What's going on Stevie?" he muttered, Steve letting out a relieved sigh.
„Nancy needs us to get to Lovers Lake, because there might be a gate and we need to check. If there is one, we are one step closer to killing Vecna and clearing your name" he explained, while struggling to put on a pair of jeans.

Eddie nodded, not entirely awake yet but he also changed out of his pjs and only about fifteen minutes later the two boys and Max were sitting inside Steve's car, Eddie in the passenger seat and Max in the back.

Steve drove them through the dark town, glad no one was outside at this hour, because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to bring his boyfriend, who now was a part of their party.

They arrived at the house they had found Eddie at, Nancy and Robin already waiting for them, accompanied by Lucas and Dustin.
Steve looked at them in utter disbelief.

„Why the hell did I even bring you guys home if you were going to sneak out?!" he hissed at the boys, who just shrugged.

„That's literally not important right now, Steve. We need to check the lake now, Dustin said when they were here earlier his compass went crazy, like last time..." Nancy whispered, a serious look on her face.

Together the adults got Reafer Ricks boat out of the shack, Robin helping Nancy in, following her by using Steve's head to steady herself.

„Hey hey hey, you're absolutely not getting in there!" Steve exclaimed when Dustin made moves to go after them.
„Why not?!" the teen responded in a pout, crossing his arms.

„This boat hold three people, tops" Steve muttered while holding Eddies hand as the other got into the boat to sit across from the girls.

„It's better this way" Nancy tried to reason with Dustin, holding her hand out to get the compass, only for the teen to scoff.

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