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The next morning was going slowly, Steve had gotten up early to make everyone breakfast, getting calls soon from Dustins and Lucas' parents, asking him to drop them off at home soon since they didn't want them to walk home.

He assured both of them equally that he would drop them off right after breakfast, and then got the newspaper from the mailbox outside, sitting down at the table with a cup of coffee, reading the paper.

„You look old" Max's voice filled the silence, and he turned around at her, smiling to see her so relaxed regardless of everything that had happened.
She sat down next to him, grabbing some pancakes and looking over.

„So...Eddie and you" she began, and Steve choked on his coffee.
„Huh?" he asked, feeling his cheeks heat up.

„Well it's not a secret to anyone at the trailer park that he brings men home from time to time, but I don't think I've ever seen him so close to anyone" she explained, an expecting look in her face.

„Well we have talked about it...and I guess we're kind now?" Steve tried not to sound too excited over it, but saying it out loud felt so nice, he wanted to spin around in a circle giggling like a little girl.

Max smiled at him, nodding without saying another word and started eating.
Soon Lucas and Dustin joined them from the living room, hungrily killing the pile of pancakes Steve had made.

„Boys? Your parents called, after breakfast I'm bringing you home" Steve said.
The boys groaned, Lucas slamming his head onto the table in a joking way but it still scared the crap out of Steve, being afraid the boy hurt himself.

He hadn't though, and after they all finished their plates, the boys got ready to go home.
While they were packing their bags and Steve did the dishes, Max sneaked upstairs and knocked on the door to Steve's room.

Once he heard Eddies slurred „come in" she disappeared into the room, being completely in awe at the sight in front of her of Eddie sitting crisscross on the bed, pacifier bobbing between his lips and him rubbing his eyes tiredly.

„Hey there kiddo, is it okay I'm in here? Steve is downstairs still and I wanted to check on you" she smiled, trying to reassure Eddie of the fact that she didn't judge him.

Once he had nodded slowly, she walked over to the bed, sitting down next to Eddie and pointing at the stuffed animal in his arms.

„Awe, who do you have there, sweetheart? What's their name?" she asked, smiling at the glow that took over Eddies eyes.

He thought for a minute, before a sad look took over the glow and he shrugged.
„Doesn' hav a name" he admitted, and Max gasped playfully.

„What? No name? But everyone should have a name! How about we come up with one?" She suggested, and Eddie nodded enthusiastically.

„Well little one, what do you think their name is? Are they a boy or a girl?" Max continued, trying to engage with the little like she used to with her step brother.

Seeing Eddie being little brought back memories of when she walked in on Billy being small, completely taken aback at the sight of him sitting in the middle of his room with a small toy car and a baby pacifier in his mouth.

She had left the room in a hurry when Billy had yelled at her, slipping out of his headspace in a panic.

Later that day, Billy had come to her, originally trying to threaten her to not tell anyone what she saw, but the curiosity caught her and she asked him about what happened.

They spent the entire night talking about how Billy needed to be small sometimes so he could regulate his emotions over the days and cope with how his asshole father treated him.
Max was being as supportive as she could, and she got to know the nice, vulnerable side of her brother whenever their parents were out.

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