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The adults made their way through the upside down Hawkins rather quickly, avoiding breaks as much as possible with Steve still being wounded.
The shrill screaming of the bats was a good motivation for them to keep going though, so it took them about half an hour to get to Eddies trailer.

Steve quickly broke open the door, since they had heard bats in the distance already and he wanted to get his friends out safely.

„Goddamn" Steve muttered, looking up at the red pulsing portal on the ceiling.
„This is where Chrissy died..." Eddie whispered, „Like, right where she died."

„I think there's something in there-" Robin pointed out, looking up at a shadow that appeared in the skin of the gate, making it bend towards them until the skin ripped with a wet squelch, making the adults yell out in fear.

But when they walked under the gate slowly, Steve having a hand stretched back to push Eddie back in case he sensed danger, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Erica came in their sight, making them sigh in relief.

„Hey there!" Dustin laughed, looking up at them.
„Holy shit this is trippy" Robin whispered, watching as Lucas and Max carried Eddies mattress under the gate to soften the others fall, followed by a makeshift rope they threw through the portal.

„And if my theory is correct..." Dustin muttered under his breath, letting go of the rope that stayed in place.

„Pull on it!" Dustin yelled, and Robin did as he said, grunting when the rope wouldn't budge.

„Okay, guess I'm the guinea pig" Robin said, starting to climb up the rope until she reached the ceiling, falling out of the upside down with a yelp.

„Thank god, that was fun!" she said, sitting up.
„Eddie, you're next." Steve said, holding the rope over to him.

„You're coming too, right?" Eddie whimpered, the fact that there really was a gate right where Chrissy had died, making him realise how scary and trippy all of this was.

„Of course Ed's, I'm not leaving you alone. But you gotta go up there now, okay? I want you to be safe" Steve smiled, picking Eddie up to help him up the rope.
The brunette laughed anxiously at the move, climbing through the gate with Steve's help.

„Holy shit, that was fun!" he gasped, looking up proudly to see his boyfriends reaction, who gave him a thumbs up.

Eddie climbed off the mattress, fleeing into Max's arms as he felt his mind go fuzzy now that he was out of danger.
The redhead welcomed him in a hug, cooing at him while shooting her friends death stares to avoid them from saying anything.

Their encounter got interrupted though, by Steve yelling Nancys name out in fear.
Their heads shot back to the gate, not understanding what was going on.

„Vecna..." Max whispered, realising Nancy was having some sort of vision caused by the demon they were trying to defeat.

„Eddie, do you have cassettes here?!" Robin yelled out, not even waiting for him to respond to run over into his room, followed by Dustin and Lucas, who started searching through Eddies tapes.

„Hurry up!" Steve yelled through the gate at the others, sending Erica over to the room.

„Steve says you need to hurry!" she shouted, making the others freak out more.

„Seriously, what is all this shit?!" Robin hissed at Eddie, who was completely overwhelmed with what was happening.
„What are you even looking for?" he stuttered in an attempt to help them.

„Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music, we need Music!" the girl yelled at him, throwing his favourite tapes over.

„This is music" he huffed, picking up an Iron Maiden tape.
„Guys!" Steve's voice rung in their ears, making Erica run back over into the living area.

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